I’m always encouraging people to listen to their dreams because dreams lead to miracles. God said that He would speak to all mankind through their dreams (Joel 2) and Peter said that we are in those times (Acts 2).
This website is a testament to the truth that God uses dreams to speak to His people and if we listen, miracles can happen. This post is one such case.
Over the years, I’ve shared with thousands of people that dreams can often be a call to intercession and a vehicle through which God creates miracles.
A couple of years ago, I shared with my husband’s ex-wife (I wish there was another way to describe her because she’s so much more than this to me) about the power of dreams. After our first conversation about dreams, she had several dreams about me that came true exactly like she dreamed them – so she knew that her dreams were prophetic.
Well, knowing that your dream will come true isn’t great news when the dream is bad. After learning that dreams do tell the future, she shared with me her concerns about her son (my bonus son), Jordan. She had had many dreams of him in a car accident and she was terrified that she was going to lose him. So, I shared a post explaining that oftentimes God sends us a dream so that we can intercede.

So, that’s what we did. We prayed.
Eighteen months after this conversation, her son was in an accident that should have killed him.

She said:
So I picked him up this morning from the hospital and then we went to the impound lot to pick up some things from his car before it goes to Copart for the insurance. It was really hard to see it. The pic … doesn’t show just how absolutely awful it was. The driver side doors tore off on impact and were embedded in the front grille of the fire truck. He was hit so hard it not only took those doors right off, the driver seat was hit and pushed into the middle of the car, it also broke the middle console out. He flipped the car twice. He should have died. The cops were amazed. I’m in shock that he’s okay …. God gave him another chance.
He surely did! Glory to God!
Indeed, the Lord’s arm is not too weak to save, and his ear is not too deaf to hear. (Isaiah 59)
Not only did God save him from the accident, but while at the hospital for his very minor injuries, the doctors found a previously undiagnosed issue with his heart that is now being treated!
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be the glory… (Eph 3:20 ESV)
If you have a scary dream, read the links below, and pray. There’s a God in heaven who sends dreams and answers prayers.
And if you think this story is a fluke, read the story below about my friend Kathleen’s son. The fervent effectual prayer of a righteous person avails much! There is no more fervent prayer than that of a mama.
I am here to tell you that when mamas pray, our God moves.