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Prophecies are Proof of God

“Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

This site is a testimony to the existence of God through documented evidence.

Below you’ll find miraculous stories that include:

  • Incredibly Accurate Documented Prophecies!
  • Amazing miracles, like prophesying my friend coming back from brain death!
  • Medical miracles that doctors said were impossible.
  • The definition of faith given by God!
  • And so much more!

God’s People Will Prophecy!

An Incredible Lesson on Faith from God

Mia tells how God taught her the definition of faith and shares the miraculous example that God used to teach her. If you’re going to read one thing from this site, let it be this. (But you really shouldn’t miss this either.)

God Said He Would Raise My Friend From the “Dead” and He Did!

Prophecies that led to Miracles

Dozens of examples of hearing from God in my life to help you to hear from in yours!

Dreams Lead to Miracles, Lesson One: Pray

How I Learned to Hear from God


Step One: Do It Biblically

Following God To Health & Healing

  • A Very Important Lesson from God on Following Him to Health

The Great Physician Prescribes Garlic

  • Miraculous Cure To An Undiagnosed Illness
  • Deadly Infection: Medicine Wasn’t Working
  • Stopping A Deadly Infection In Its Tracks

God Sends People To Doctors

  • God Said It’s Going To Be A Great Story
    Prophecy of a Miracle Result from Cancer Treatment
  • Didn’t know there was a problem until God said Go to the doctor
  • Divine Diagnosis
  • Dream Leads To Life-Saving Action Scarlet Fever
  • Dream Leads To Life-Saving Treatment & Prevents Cancer

Miraculous Comfort From God

  • Shot 8 Times and Survived After A Promise From God
  • He Will Speak
  • Following God Out of the Mountain