Get the free book! Read the excerpt below to see how astounding this book is! It’s yours free for a limited time.
Every prophecy in this collection was publicly documented before it happened. These were not vague guesses, but specific, detailed, timestamped warnings about world events.
These prophecies were posted on platforms like Facebook (which publicly tracks edits) and Forumsclub, which publicly displays any edits. This means that the evidence cannot be denied—you can check for yourself that these posts were made before the events occurred.
I am not here to convince anyone who has already decided they won’t believe. But if you are rational, open-minded, and willing to examine documented proof, you will see what so many others have already recognized:
📌 Prophecy is real.
📌 God is speaking.
📌 We are being warned.
What Makes These Prophecies So Unique?
🔹 Specific, not vague: They name exact locations, directions, and dates—not generic predictions.
🔹 Impossible timing: Many events occurred days or weeks after being posted.
🔹 Beyond statistical chance: When you look at the full collection, the odds of this happening randomly are mathematically impossible.
What Do You Do With This?
The past prophecies have already happened—exactly as foretold. That’s undeniable. But what’s next is even more serious:
➡ Massive War will lead to the Biblical Prophecy of the 7 and 10 in Revelation.
➡ Major Famines and Food Issues
➡ Nuclear Bombs, at least one large one being deployed and several smaller. There will be only moments to escape at least one of them.
These warnings aren’t to scare you—they’re to prepare you. The evidence is right in front of you, and once you see it, you won’t be able to unsee it.
Don’t Make the Mistake of Ignoring This
People ignored Noah until it was too late. Don’t do the same.
🙏 Read. Verify. Prepare.
As you will see below, for the past two decades, Mia Kate has been writing and recording the things that God shows her with freakish accuracy – and with miraculous results.
Pay Close Attention—This Matters.
What you’re about to read isn’t just a collection of predictions—it’s proof that God is speaking. Over and over, Mia has shared what He has shown her, and time after time, those warnings have come to pass. This isn’t luck. It’s not coincidence. It’s real. Anyone who comes with an open mind won’t be able to deny what they’re about to read. God is real. He’s sending sign after sign that He is real to urge us to prepare. Be like Noah. Believe Him and prepare.
We are not posting these prophecies to entertain or impress anyone. We are sharing them because they matter. They are meant to prepare us for what’s coming. If you take the time to read them all, you’ll see for yourself—the precision, the timing, the details—every single one was fulfilled exactly as it was given.
Incredibly Precise
The odds of one prophecy coming true with such precise details as these prophecies show (like direction, timing, and location) is already astronomical… but when you stack dozens of these together, it becomes statistically impossible to explain away.
This isn’t just accurate—it’s beyond human capability. Even professional meteorologists can’t predict tornadoes three days in advance with that kind of precision—let alone their exact path and size!
Why This is So Powerful:
✔ It’s NOT vague – This isn’t “bad weather is coming.” It’s a northwest tornado, a half-mile wide, three days later.
✔ It’s NOT lucky guessing – The sheer volume of fulfilled prophecies eliminates chance.
✔ It’s NOT possible to manipulate – The timestamps, posts, and documentation prove it was written before events happened.
✔ It’s NOT just one-time accuracy – It’s prophecy after prophecy coming true exactly as stated.
✔ It’s timing so incredible that it can’t be chance – It’s God.
At this point, the odds are so astronomically low that trying to dismiss it is just denial.
For those that do Believe, Build Your Boat
God is working undeniable miracles to get your attention. He’s showing you that He is real, that He is speaking, and that now—more than ever—you need to listen.
Governments need to prepare to protect their people and people need to prepare to protect themselves. Faith is building a boat. Abraham believed God and it was credit to him as righteousness. These prophecies are undeniably God. Please read them, and prepare.
The Prophecies
Massive War, Wheat Crisis, & Bank Failures
Less than six months before the war in Ukraine, Mia Kate posted that God showed her that massive war, bank failures, and soaring prices of wheat, as Jesus foretold, would be coming soon. She posted these things all together at the link below on August 29, 2021.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this prophecy is that all three events—war, wheat shortages, and bank failures—were foretold together, and each directly triggered the next. All three went hand in hand. The war led to wheat shortages, the economic strain caused by war related sanctions led to financial chaos, and all three unfolded in perfect alignment, just as predicted.
See the Original Time-stamped Post here: August 29, 2021
Massive War
Six months later, in February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, triggering one of the largest wars in Europe since World War II. At the same time, the world faced an unprecedented wheat crisis. Ukraine, one of the largest global exporters of wheat, became unable to supply its usual markets, leading to skyrocketing prices and fears of global famine. Simultaneously, a Russian bank failure became headline news as the sanctions imposed on Russia crippled its financial system.
“Russia Invades Ukraine: The Largest European War Since WWII”

Biblical Wheat Event
“Russia-Ukraine war could bring ‘biblical event’ as global wheat supply disrupted”
Headlines not only confirmed the wheat crisis Mia foretold but they even echoed the exact biblical language Mia Kate had used in her prophecy. She didn’t just predict wheat shortages—she framed them in scriptural terms, and, not coincidentally, news reports did the same, reinforcing the prophetic significance of what was unfolding.”

Financial Chaos
“Russian Bank Collapse: Economic Sanctions Cause Financial Chaos”

Why Skeptics Should Believe
The convergence of these events together, just as Mia had posted, was undeniable proof, it wasn’t a lucky guess. God was sending signs of the times so that we will listen and prepare for the things that are coming next.
The Odds of This Happening by Chance? To predict these three events in isolation would already be remarkable. But to predict that they would occur together—with wheat, war, and bank failures making simultaneous global headlines—is so improbable that it is clear–this was no lucky guess.
More Bank Failues Coming
She Then Predicts More Bank Failures Will Be Coming and They Will Be Headline News
February 26, 2022, After the Ukraine-Russiam war broke out, Mia posted, ‘This war in Ukraine is just the beginning of birth pangs. The bank failures that are coming will be headline news. This is the birth pangs of the end times that Jesus foretold.’
See the Original Time-stamped Post here: Feb 26, 2022

One year later, three banks failed in the same week with more predicted by experts. Two of those bank failures are currently the second and third-largest bank failures in US history.

NEXT IN TRIBULATION LINE UP OF EVENTS: Earthquakes in Diverse Places

After God showed Mia a massive recession (below), the exact date of a freak snowstorm (below), and that masks would be a big thing (below), he showed her that more signs of the end times were coming and the next would be earthquakes in different places.
Just Five Days Later! For the first time in years! Two Major Earthquakes in Diverse Places!
The term “diverse” typically refers to elements that are distinct from one another or completely different in nature. Just five days later, in a highly rare occurrence, two massive, newsworthy earthquakes struck on the same day in completely unrelated locations.
While earthquakes happen worldwide every day, it is exceptionally rare for two major earthquakes—specifically foretold as significant signs—to occur simultaneously in entirely separate regions. The reality of these massive earthquakes unfolding just days later fulfilled the Tribulation Lineup prophecy in a way that even skeptics will be hard-pressed to ignore.

- A devastating 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit Haiti, causing catastrophic damage and loss of life.
- A 7.5-magnitude earthquake rocked the remote South Sandwich Islands, thousands of miles away in the southern Atlantic Ocean.
This “sign” on the Tribulation Lineup is extraordinary because it foretold to be the fulfillment of a Biblical sign and it was fulfilled extremely quickly with a rare occurrence. The occurrence itself stands out because these earthquakes were entirely unrelated, both geographically and tectonically. Seismic events often happen in clusters or along connected fault lines. However, for two significant earthquakes of this magnitude to strike in geographically diverse and unconnected regions on the same day is exceptionally rare.
Why This Event Is So Remarkable
Comprehensive seismic records from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) confirm that unrelated earthquakes of this magnitude occurring on the same day, in distinct and geographically distant locations, are highly unusual.
- Seismic Clusters Are Common: Earthquakes typically occur in clusters or along the same tectonic boundaries. For example, aftershocks often follow a primary earthquake, or seismic activity in one region may affect nearby faults.
- Diverse Locations Are Not: The earthquakes in Haiti and the South Sandwich Islands were completely unrelated, separated by thousands of miles and distinct tectonic plates. This geographic diversity is what makes the event extraordinary.
Predicting earthquakes is one of the most challenging tasks even for scientists with advanced tools. Yet this prophecy unfolded with remarkable accuracy, underscoring a divine element beyond human capability.
Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come.
Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. (Mark 13 / Matthew 24)
See the Original Time-stamped Post here: August 9, 2021
Prophecies of Masks, Recession, and the EXACT Date of a Freak End-of-Summer Snowstorm
Prophecy of Massive Recession
In August 2019, Mia posted that a massive recession was coming and that God told her to prepare. So she and those in her inner circle whom she shared this message with stocked up.

Not Just Massive, Global!
Six months later, the ‘massive recession’ was headline news.It wasn’t only massive, it was global. Like Egypt, those that followed the message didn’t have to worry when the grocery shelves were bare due to the COVID rush because they followed God’s warning.

Prophecy of Masks
Six weeks before the COVID outbreak, God led Mia to post a prophecy that people would warned to carry gas masks.

All Kinds of Masks, Everywhere
No one could have possibly known the degree to which masks would become a global symbol and this sign would be fulfilled. Less than six weeks later, the first cases of COVID emerged and these images match what God revealed.

See the Original Time-stamped Post here: November 13, 2019
Snow Miracle Coming 28th of September
September 12, 2019 – On September 8th, God revealed to Mia that a sudden, shocking, snow was coming on the 28th. She posted it on the 12th.

See the Original Time-stamped Post: Click Here
September 17, 2019
After she posted the prophecy about sudden shocking snow on the 12th (16 days before the snow was to fall), she asked her prophecy group to pray that God would confirm the date. When he did that she shared the confirmation in her prophecy group:

Posted here:
When God revealed that this snowstorm was coming, He also revealed that it was a sign that serious birth pangs of the Tribulation were soon to begin and this was shared with the Faith Village prophecy group.
On Setptember 28th, Sixteen Days later, the Exact Day, Every Word is Fulfilled:
Historic, Shocking, Record-Breaking, Four Feet of Snow at the End of Summer!

On September 28th, one week after Summer’s end, a shocking 48 inches of snow fell in the Western United States. It was prophesied to be shocking and it was shocking. Sixteen days in advance, God foretold the exact day that we would receive an incredible miraculous snowstorm, and it broke every snowstorm on record. It made history. Just as God said it would.
This miraculous prophecy was doubly amazing because not only was the storm historic, the storm holds the record for the first recorded snow on this date in Washington in all of recorded history! Foretelling this 16 days in advance was almost impossible. The odds are beyond astronomical.
Our God is the God of astronomical odds!
Trump is the Next President
On July 13, 2024, Mia had a dream of Trump as the next president. And we know how that ended. There you have it.

There isn’t much to explain here. She is a prophet and prophetic dreamer like the Biblical Joseph and her dreams become headlines.
Miraculous Outcomes Follow Her Prayers
The Foretold Miracle Rescue at Sea
Foretelling the Event:
On August 11, 2018, Mia posted:
I woke up from a dream of [someone] falling into very deep.. expansively horrifyingly deep water.
I’m praying that this person who falls into this water is saved and praying that even now God arranges a miracle rescue in advance.
The person that fell, fell so deeply that I just felt how horrified they were at the terrifying possibility that they may not be able to swim to the top fast enough
Mia also asked her prophecy group to intercede with her for this miracle, urging them to join in prayer as she declared, “We’ll be hearing about this soon.”

A new member, Kaitlyn, asked why Mia would dream about someone falling into water because people fall off boats or jump from bridges. Mia told her that she expected it to be remarkable, probably related to a cruise ship, that her dreams are headline news, and she, “used to joke that I was the Yahoo! News prophet.”

She also explained to the group that the fall into the water brought the person so deep into the ocean that the event would most likely involve a cruise ship, further emphasizing the specificity of the prophecy.
The Fulfillment:
Nine days later, on August 19, 2018, the prophecy was fulfilled in extraordinary detail. Kay Longstaff, a British woman aboard the Norwegian Star cruise ship, fell overboard into the vast, deep waters of the Adriatic Sea, fulfilling everything God showed Mia in a dream and manifesting the miracle she and her team prayed for.
Against overwhelming odds, Kay survived an astonishing 10 hours in open water before being rescued by the Croatian Coast Guard. Her survival defied logic and expectations. The Adriatic Sea was unusually calm and warm that night—critical conditions for her survival but highly unusual for the time of year.
The captain of the rescue vessel, who was deeply familiar with the conditions of the sea and the near-impossibility of survival in such cases, said, “It is a real miracle that she is alive.” His words highlighted the extraordinary and divine nature of the event.
This prophecy and its fulfillment demonstrate God’s power to reveal the future and orchestrate miraculous outcomes. The specificity of Mia’s prophecy—mentioning horrifyingly deep waters, a cruise ship, and the urgent need for divine intervention—combined with the miraculous rescue of Kay Longstaff, stands as undeniable evidence of God’s sovereignty.
The calm seas, the precise timing of the rescue, and Kay’s ability to endure were no coincidence. They were the result of divine orchestration and an answer to prayer.
This miraculous rescue is a testament to God’s presence and His ability to act powerfully in the world, using His people to intercede and reveal His glory. When God speaks, He moves, and His actions leave no doubt of His existence and love for humanity.
The Miracle Baby Prophecy

Foretelling the Event:
On March 6, 2010, Mia shared a vision with her prayer group, asking them to join her in intercession. In the vision, she saw a baby, accompanied by family members, near a fence high above the edge of water. The fence had a distinct structure with two horizontal and two vertical poles. She describes “the baby as leaning right up against this fence and it looks like an accident waiting to happen, and it is. The baby falls into the water…and I start the top of my voice.”
Mia described the dream as “an accident waiting to happen” and wrote:
“Please intercede with me if you read this. God answers the dreams He gives us for intercession.”
She expected God to answer their prayers and trusted that divine intervention would protect the child.
The Fulfillment Exactly One Month Later to the Day:

Exactly one month later, on April 5, 2010, news reports described a strikingly similar event when two-year-old Bridget Anderson fell off a gangplank at the South Street Seaport museum into the East River in New York City while approximately 20 to 30 feet above the water. The fence in the actual event is pictured in a newspaper article about the miracle rescue and it matches Mia’s description perfectly, with two horizontal and two vertical poles.
In the real-life incident, a bystander immediately jumped into the water to assist, followed by the father, resulting in the child’s miraculous rescue. Later, the family visited the grave of the child’s grandmother, after whom the baby was named, to express their gratitude for her survival. As the news story reported, the grandmother she saw in the dream had a very significant meaning, who some speculated was watching over baby Bridget.
Photographic Evidence:
Images from the news articles further confirm the accuracy of the prophecy. The photographs show:
- A fence with two horizontal and two vertical poles, matching Mia’s description exactly.
- The significant height of the ramp above the water, consistent with the details Mia shared in her dream.
- A baby falling into the water.
These visuals emphasize the extraordinary precision of Mia’s vision and make it clear that this event was exactly what she foresaw.
The details of the dream—the elevated position above the water, the specific fence structure, and a baby falling into water requiring rescue—aligned remarkably with the real-life event. To make it even more remarkable, Mia shared the vision and asked for intercessors to join her in prayer exactly one month prior.
The timing of the event—exactly one month later—further amplifies the significance of this prophecy. Combined with the precise details of the dream, it demonstrates the extraordinary ways in which God communicates through visions. The miraculous rescue of the child, despite all odds, highlights God’s existence, His responsiveness to intercessory prayer, and His active involvement in our lives.
While the family members in the dream were not exactly the same as reality, Mia’s dream dictionary explains why:
When trying to understand prophetic dreams with people in them, it’s best to simply say ‘people’ because people in dreams are very often not who they will be in reality.
I’ve had dreams of my exhusband representing my current husband, and of my cousin (named; Derrick) representing a future boyfriend named Eric–to name a few. People are not very dependable in dreams but the other details of the dream will always match perfectly.
She Foretells a Family Friend Being Restored from Brain Death

Mia Messages His Wife to Assure Her, He Will Recover
In Mia’s own words:
I woke up one morning immediately after seeing a vision of chicken tenders frying in an electric frying pan. The tenders went from perfectly golden brown to the blackest black they could possibly be. Then, suddenly, they went back to being nicely browned fried chicken. The vision repeated itself three times, so I knew that it was important and prophetic.
Later that morning, my mother came to my house and asked me to pray with her for a close family friend, John, who was just pronounced brain-dead. Like Peter, God first sent a vision, and then later He helped me understand how the vision was to be applied. John’s doctors told his family that there was no hope of recovery and advised the family to terminate life support, which they were planning to do the next day. The doctors said that recovery of any kind was impossible, and his immediate family had begun making plans to travel for his funeral.
But while my mother and I were praying, God reminded me of the vision that I had that morning, and He revealed that John would recover. John was the burnt chicken, and God was going to restore him.
John’s dire situation looked so impossible that people thought I had truly lost my mind because I was so adamant that God was going to restore him, despite the doctor’s assurance that there was no hope.
I messaged his wife and explained that God had said that John was going to recover. She thanked me and prayed that it was true.
Then, I told my mother to tell his mother the same thing:
“Don’t take him off life support. God is going to restore him!”
And the Lord answered me:
“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” (Habakkuk 2)
The same day, I spoke with John’s brother Dean. Dean lived in Germany, and after speaking with him, I knew that he was pretty torn up about his brother. John and Dean had always been close, and I couldn’t remember a harsh word between them. It was killing Dean that he wasn’t going to get a chance to say goodbye to John.
While we spoke, he said, “I don’t know if I should fly over now before they remove him from life support, or if I should wait for the funeral.”
“Can I suggest praying about the decision? God showed me that John was going to recover, and I know it sounds a little batty to hear someone say ‘God told me,’ but save your time and money for when he wakes up because I know that he will.”
“Alright, sis. I’m gonna take your word for it,” he said.
After praying about it, Dean decided to trust God for a miracle, and he waited for John to wake up.
The next day, the doctors came to John’s room to discuss the family’s decision. When the time came to decide to remove life support, his mother, Marie, threw her body over John and said, “OVER MY DEAD BODY!”
In the end, they chose not to take him off life support. For several weeks there was no improvement, and it looked genuinely hopeless. MRI after MRI continued to indicate that John was definitely brain dead, but they did not give up hope. They waited on a miracle.
Then, one day, John started to improve. And, just as God said, John returned from the brink of death. He woke up. He laughed. We spoke! Glory to GOD, John was restored, and his brain was as before. When we spoke, he thanked me for the encouragement during the battle for his life.
They said it would take a miracle.
And God delivered.’
Child Saves Another from Drowning
📖 The Prophecy (Posted: August 2011)

Mia saw a vision of a child saving another child from drowning in rushing water. However, she knew that the description of the people would be off, and left a link to her dream dictionary.
Link to Original Time-stamped Prophecy: Click here.
🌊 The Fulfillment (August 2011, Washington State)
A 10-year-old girl rescued a 6-year-old boy from drowning in a strong rip tide. The event was widely reported, and the circumstances perfectly matched the prophecy.
📰 Headline: “Girl who helped save Washington boy from drowning provides more details of ordeal”
Link to News Article: Click here.
🔎 Why This Is Significant
✔ The Prophecy Even Accounted for the People in the Story Being Slightly Off – Mia predicted the event exactly, even acknowledging that the descriptions of people would be different and provided a link to the explanation explaining why.
✔ A Very Specific Event – Not just a drowning, but a child saving another in a fast-moving water.
More Amazing Prophecies
The Meteor Shower Prophecy on National Radio
Foretelling the Event:
On July 26, 2006, during a live discussion on a national radio show with Lia, Mia explained the difference between a prophet and a psychic. Mia explained that true prophecy comes from God, not from psychic intuition; and that most of the events God reveals to her typically occur within a two-week timeframe. However, she also noted that some very specific or rare events (such as the moon exploding or nuclear war) can take years to unfold.
While discussing the devastating hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma—which God had shown Mia before they occurred—Lia pressed further, asking, “Any weird feelings or premonitions lately?”
Mia replied, “There is a meteor shower coming, soon. I don’t know how soon. Usually, it’s about two weeks before it happens.”
The Fulfillment Was Six Days Later:

Meteor Events Rarely Make News:
The meteor shower was a sudden, newsworthy meteor event that generated significant attention due to its brightness and impact reports.
Most meteors that reach Earth are tiny and fall in remote areas. Events significant enough to be observed, reported, and generate public interest are rare.
Meteor Falls Are Unpredictable:
While astronomers can predict the paths of large asteroids and meteoroids, smaller space rocks capable of falling to Earth (bolides) are harder to track due to their size and speed. A meteor event occurring within seven days of a specific prophecy adds to the improbability, as these events cannot be forecasted with current technology.
This particular meteor event in India on August 1, 2006, was NOT expected in the way that annual meteor showers (like the Perseids) are. Here’s why:
1️⃣ Meteor Showers vs. Meteor Falls – While annual meteor showers like the Perseids are predictable, unexpected meteor falls (where fragments actually make it to Earth) are rare and cannot be forecasted by astronomers.
2️⃣ Unforeseen Bolide Events – Unlike large asteroids, smaller meteoroids that produce fireballs or impacts aren’t tracked in advance. Their sudden appearances cannot be predicted by science.
3️⃣ Newsworthiness – Most meteors burn up unnoticed. Only major, highly visible meteor events make the news, and this one did, which is rare.
4️⃣ Improbable Timing – Mia’s prophecy about a significant meteor event was made six days before it happened, which is well within the prophetic time window she mentioned. Given how unpredictable meteor falls are, this makes the timing especially remarkable.
The August 1, 2006, meteor event was not a forecasted astronomical event—it was a sudden and unexpected meteor fall that made international news, exactly as Mia had foretold less than a week earlier. The chance of one happening within seven days of a specific prophecy—and being publicly reported—is exceedingly small. This prophecy wasn’t just a coincidence—it was extraordinary in its specificity. Predicting a meteor shower is neither vague nor common. It requires pinpoint accuracy about an event that is rare, unexpected, and entirely beyond human control. The connection between Mia’s prophecy and its fulfillment within just six days is undeniable and astounding.
This prophecy, fulfilled so quickly and precisely, underscores the reality of God’s active involvement in revealing future events. It wasn’t a vague prediction but a clear and specific statement that came to pass.
Hurricane Sandy Flooding & Boardwalk Collapse (15 Days Later)
📖 The Prophecy (Posted: October 14, 2012)

Mia posted a prophetic dream about flooding making headlines soon. She described it as terrifying for those affected and believed it would occur within a month. She also saw a structure collapsing into the water, something people could walk on.
Link to Original Time-stamped Prophecy: Click here.
🌊 The Fulfillment: Fifteen Days Later!
Fifteen days later, Hurricane Sandy struck, causing historic flooding in the U.S. and devastating parts of New Jersey. A section of the New Jersey boardwalk collapsed into the water, exactly as she described.
📰 Headline: “Hurricane Sandy destroys New Jersey boardwalk”
🔎 Why This Is Significant
✔ Named Both the Flooding & the Collapse – Two separate but connected events were prophesied before Sandy even became a storm.
✔ Accurate Timing – Predicted within a month, occurred 15 days later.
Volcanic Tsunami in Indonesia (2018 Eruption & Tsunami)

📖 The Prophecy
Mia posted about seeing an explosion, which she later realized–before she posted the prophecy–that it looked like a volcanic eruption. She described how the explosion would cause water displacement, leading to a tsunami.
Link to Original Time-stamped Prophecy: Click here.
🌊 The Very RARE and Specific Fulfillment

In 2018, the Anak Krakatau volcano erupted in Indonesia, collapsing into the ocean and triggering a devastating tsunami that killed hundreds.
The cataclysmic eruption at 18:56 (local time), 22nd Dec 2018, resulted in the volcanic landslide and tsunami of the Krakatau volcano. Citation
📰 Headline: “Volcanic eruption triggers deadly tsunami in Indonesia”
🔎 Why This Is Significant
Volcanic tsunamis are relatively rare events, constituting approximately 1% of all recorded tsunamis over the past four centuries. Wikipedia
The rarity of volcanic tsunamis is attributed to the specific conditions required for their occurrence, such as volcanic eruptions interacting with large bodies of water or massive landslides from volcanic islands.
✔ Accurately Predicted a Very Rare Type of Tsunami – Most tsunamis are caused by earthquakes, but this one was caused by a volcanic eruption, just as prophesied.
✔ Described Both the Eruption & Tsunami Connection – The cause and effect were perfectly matched.
Link to Original Time-stamped Prophecy: Click here.
Northwest Tornado (Exactly 3 Days Later, Even the Direction!)
📖 The Prophecy (Posted: September 2, 2011)

Mia posted that she saw a strong tornado heading in a northwest direction across most of the state (she lives in NY) and didn’t know how to prepare for it.
Link to Prophecy: Click here.
🌪️ The Fulfillment (September 5, 2011)
Just THREE days later, a confirmed tornado struck, th e newspaper article specified the exact direction she had described, leaving a path a half mile wide, and making headlines!
As Mia said, ‘Half mile wide tornadoes do not happen in NY!’
📰 Headline: “Was that a tornado? Indeed it was.” (Albany, NY)
Link to the News Story: Click here.
🔎 Why This Is Significant
✔ Tornado Direction Matched Exactly – Tornadoes can travel in any direction, but this one specifically moved northwest, just as she had seen.
✔ Happened Almost Immediately – Only 3 days after the prophecy was posted!
The California Wildfire Prophecy
Foretelling the Event:
On October 23, 2006, Mia recorded a vision of a fire on her Yahoo! Group. She wrote:
“I see a fire. I can’t tell much about it except I see someone going to look for someone who is in the fire. It’s a straight line in a mass of trees, seems like it’s on a hill.
I remember hearing about something about a special name for a fire above the cloud line…??
This is not very distinctive. Could be any fire anywhere.”
Although the vision didn’t seem particularly distinctive at first, the description carried unique details about the fire’s location, terrain, and events that would soon unfold.
TWO DAYS LATER, The Fulfillment:
Just two days later, the Esperanza Fire broke out in Southern California. This wildfire occurred in a high mountain forest above the cloud line, tragically claiming the lives of five brave firefighters. These men perished while attempting to save others in the blaze, directly matching the vision of someone going into the fire to search for someone else.
The details of the fire align unmistakably with the prophecy:
- A straight line in the mass of trees: The fire spread in a defined path through the forest.
- On a hill: The wildfire occurred in the elevated terrain of the California mountains.
- Above the cloud line: A distinctive characteristic of the fire’s location in the mountains.
- Someone going into the fire: Tragically, five firefighters lost their lives while entering the flames in an attempt to save others.
Initially, Mia described the vision as “not very distinctive,” but the rapid fulfillment and specific details prove otherwise. The timing—just two days later—and the unique elements, such as the fire being on a hill above the cloud line and involving a rescue attempt, make it clear that this vision was divinely inspired.
This prophecy highlights that even when a vision doesn’t seem extraordinary at first, God’s messages often carry profound meaning and accuracy. The California Wildfire prophecy is another powerful testament to God’s ability to reveal future events with precision and purpose, showcasing the incredible gift of prophecy in the modern world.
Incredible Odds
While these are just a handful of the hundreds of prophecies that Mia has seen the odds are staggering. The alignment of events with this prophecy is yet another demonstration of the accuracy of God’s revelations. When you consider these events in the context of the other prophecies mentioned within these pages, the improbability grows exponentially. Each fulfilled prophecy adds a new layer of statistical rarity:
When considering all these events—asteroids, miracle ocean rescues, the war, wheat crisis, bank failures, snowstorm, masks, and earthquakes—the combined odds of these prophecies being fulfilled with such specificity and timing are astronomically low.
The total combined odds of these events occurring as predicted are approximately 1 in 10 quintillion (1:10,000,000,000,000,000).
Why did we provide numbers?
Because we want people who need absolute proof that God exists to have it. For those who wrestle with doubt, these numbers are a way to show that faith isn’t blind. It’s grounded in a God who proves His presence and power through undeniable events, and there is no way these prophecies happened by chance.
Mia has taken the instructions left by Jesus seriously by spending hundreds of hours publicly recording and writing her prophecies in advance so that the World can know God exists. In the words of Jesus: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven
The way Mia has documented and shared these events leaves little doubt, God is real. What makes these prophecies even more remarkable is how clear and undeniable they become when pieced together. They are nothing short of extraordinary. The precision of the timing, the vivid details that matched reality, and the miraculous outcomes point to straight to God. They showcase a very real and active God, sending signs to save the world before it is too late.
This collection of prophecies are a gift meant to glorify God and prepare others for what lies ahead.
Prophecy isn’t just about foretelling future events—it’s about building a relationship with God and having amazing encounters with Him. It’s about showing us that He’s with us in a very spectuacular way so that He gets our attention.
Prepare for Nuclear War
Before you read any more of the prophecies below, we want to emphasize this: Fear not. God does not give us a spirit of fear, but He has said to prepare.
Mia says, “God said, PREPARE. Prepare like Noah, prepare like Pharoah, prepare like Israel. Faith is following God’s instructions, so the only way out or through is to follow God’s instructions for you.
Like Egypt, we should all be stocking up as though we’re expecting a famine. Conditions are coming which will prevent food from growing. Prepare. Noah didn’t worry about the flood because he knew that following God’s instructions would save him. Learning God’s definition of faith will help.”
Governments and people should begin stocking up on food like Egypt did. For more advice on preparations, see this page.
A big part of the coming Tribulation will be a nuclear war. It will lead to the foretold 7 and 10 prophecy of Revelation.
Mia saw visions of nuclear bombs being deployed; One vision was of a large nuclear bomb, and another vision was of several much smaller nuclear bombs deployed. At least one of them will come with very little warning to evacuate.
Please read this lesson on true faith and listen to God’s instruction for you. If you don’t know how to hear from God, please join our forum or send me an instant message. I will be happy to help or answer questions, whether it’s about my prophecies or to help you to understand your dreams. Now is the time to learn to hear from Him, if you don’t already. If you can remember a dream, it’s from God.
This entire message is meant to show you that God is real, prophecy is happening today, and Jesus and the GREAT TRIBULATION ARE COMING! Mia doesn’t post a slew of prophecies to see only a few come true, she posts very few, and all are remarkably accurate and in amazing timing because God is real. These incredibly accurate prophecies are God’s mercy to reach the lost before it is too late. You can’t earn righteousness it’s a free gift. Please accept Jesus’ sacrifice.
That’s what this post is all about. Prepare for eternity and prepare for Tribulation, they’re coming. To do that you need to seek God personally for His directions for you. God warns us with enough time to follow (Ie, Egypt and grain, Noah and the boat) but time is running out.
Please read this post to understand the importance of following.
Please share and prayerfully help save someone from eternal destruction.
Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2“Son of man, speak to your people and tell them: ‘Suppose I bring the sword against a land, and the people of that land choose a man from among them, appointing him as their watchman, 3and he sees the sword coming against that land and blows the ram’s horn to warn the people.
4Then if anyone hears the sound of the horn but fails to heed the warning, and the sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. 5Since he heard the sound of the horn but failed to heed the warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had heeded the warning, he would have saved his life.
6But if the watchman sees the sword coming and fails to blow the horn to warn the people, and the sword comes and takes away a life, then that one will be taken away in his iniquity, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.’