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How to Discern Heart Messages from God

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Karen's Testimony

Hello everyone, I've been planning to share the Goodness of God for months and finally.... I sit here with tears of joy as I share with you. I met Mia in 2012, I was going through a situation that felt like DEATH!!! I had a reoccurring dream regarding the situation before it happened. God was sending comfort, but I thought it was punishment ?. I was desperate, so I shared the dream with several dream interpreters and was sent away more broken than ever. One of the dream interpreters had no mercy, she was very harsh and left me hurt and confused. I prayed, fasted, and cried out to God for help. I knew what I was receiving was not from God. So, I googled dream symbols and found Mia's website. I was so excited after reading the testimonies, I knew I had to find her. I think I stalker Mia on Facebook shortly after and shared my dream. Within 60 seconds Mia interepreted my dream and the spirit of heaviness immediately lifted off of me. Through Mia's words and the love she released I found hope and healing. Mia, encouraged me to hold on to my dream and that the dream was not bad, it was comfort. Well, a year later my dream fully manifested just as Mia said. I was so excited to share with Mia the day EVERYTHING manifested in one day. I thought it would never happen, but she would not let me give up. I could not believe how she prayed for me, encouraged me and followed up with me on a regular. I cannot begin to tell you how many times Mia has contacted me and repeated conversations I had with God minutes after. Mia, often would say don't say anything and release exactly what was on my heart . We just laugh and rejoice because God truly knows our hearts. I had a rough day today and several hours ago Mia posted on my wall.... "Contradiction" I could've screamed and jumped for joy, I immediately knew what she was talking about. Mia, had no idea what was going on with me, but the Lord revealed it to her. I think sometimes we get familiar with the gift and devalue it. I am forever grateful and have seen nothing but Victory. I am so happy to be apart of this AWESOME group. I plan to share more because I believe people need to truly know and see the heart of God. God is so faithful . Your dreams are REAL and God is speaking. ❤ please excuse any typos... I did not proof read just speaking from my heart. ❤

The first time I met Karen online was after she messaged me about a situation that was heartbreaking. Her message was very well written, and in it, she poured out her heart, and reading her words touched mine. From the first message that I received from her, I felt connected to her. Need, empathy, and compassion, forged a bond between us. Still, today, even though I've never met her in person, I cannot think of her without feelings of fondness.

At first, our messages were few and far between. But, over time, as we messaged back and forth, we developed a friendship and began to speak regularly. As we became closer and my feelings of affection grew, I began to think of her more often. There was something about her that I just loved. She was polite, well-mannered, and well-spoken. Her messages were well written and she was never afraid to pour out her heart. Every interaction with her was an absolute pleasure.

Often while doing mundane tasks, thoughts of her and the things she was going through would begin to flow within my heart. These thoughts were always accompanied by feelings of compassion. Whenever I would have these "thoughts" I would message her and share what was on my heart. Many times, she would say, "Mia, my head is still leaning against the wall where I was praying about that exact thing."

As time wore on, this happened dozens and dozens of times. Oftentimes, I would message her with a message about what was on her heart at that exact moment. I began to notice that every time that I had a miraculous timely message I was puttering around the house or gardening. Whenever I was doing a mundane task, or doing something boring, like taking a bath, thoughts would begin to flow in my heart. And, every single time, the thoughts were accompanied by strong feelings of compassion and a flowing feeling inside of me. I also noticed that the thoughts were just bubbling up inside of me and were not a mental process going on in my head.

With experience (much of learned as a result of knowing Karen and feeling compassion for what she was going through) I began reaching out to people more and, as before, the messages were always spot on and the timing was always miraculous.

Over time I learned several things:

1.) God puts messages in my heart when I'm doing mundane boring tasks. Dishes, driving, gardening, painting, carpentry, and other things that engage my mind, put me in a perfect position to receive heart messages from God.

2.) Whenever I feel compassion, God is present.

3.) Delivering a person from despair, anxiety, or anguish, by sharing these messages, is the best gift in the world. When a person is crying out to God and they receive an immediate response from Him, about the very thing burdening their soul, the burden is lifted. They go away changed and restored, their faith is increased, and it always draws a person closer to God.

This post is to encourage you that you don't have to go get down on your knees on a bed of rice to hear from God. Do some mindless work and listen to your heart. After lots of experience, there will be no doubt that God is speaking to your heart. When you start thinking about someone with love and compassion, message them. Tell them what you had on your heart, and you will begin to be blown away. God is speaking to you but, if you're like me, you might not realize it.

(@Anonymous 29)
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I like Everything here. In most times when am also doing some sipmle works like working in a garden, my Spirit is always a wakened so much I find alot of Memories and Meditation of The Great things God has done for me and he is about to Do for me keep rushing into my Mind. I bless The Name of Jesus. What a powerful Testimony!

Mia Kate reacted
(@Anonymous 29)
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To God be the Glory ??
