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Attack of two dogs

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise The Most High God. In the Night I Happened to dream when I was with very many people as we were running. Finally I saw myself with only two gents as we were Passing through Certain Families. The Last Family we Happenend to pass through had dogs but we observed Two Dogs one was brown, and another one was White and brown. As I was getting out of that Family following the other two gets, there was a big Playground which was fenced down with The Barbed wires as there was a small road I thought to pass through after passing through the Playground. As I was near to crossing it to the Playground as my Fellow gents had crossed, one of the Dogs came to attack me and I kicked it because I was putting on a very strong shoe. The Dog took hold of my Left hand Pam as it tried to bite me there, I took hold of Its neck and when I saw that I was almost killing it, I left it and Crossed. After crossing the Barbed wires, the other dog which I had not fought with also followed me to attacking me. I also kicked it and Took hold of its neck as I could hit it down and the other one which I almost had killed came Back too. I kicked them and Hit Them Severally and finally I got out of the Dream. The Feelings which I had in the Dream are that I wasn't afraid of the Dogs but I was like they were wasting my Time, preventing me from Crossing to where I was heading

(@Anonymous 29)
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The Dogs were trying to prevent me to were I was heading to a Town(City)

(@Anonymous 29)
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It's right Here! 

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As you were following two gents (Two is a symbol of disciples) - you were following a disciple and you left your house.

The playground was horsing around.

The dog tried to bite your hand.. this is a potential injury.

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Posted by: @blessed-hallelujah

The Dogs were trying to prevent me to were I was heading to a Town(City)

This happened right before you left for another town.

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia All this Happened. Oh My God!

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🙂  Do you see how the dreams come right before it happens in real life?  And when it happened suddenly you remember the dream?  That's how God shows us the dream has just come to pass.  He teaches us by sending us many dreams about everyday life, and eventually, we begin to understand.  Then, we are able to receive messages from Him that give us comfort when we need it.

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia The only Challenge is that we sometimes don't pay attention or sometimes we Don't understand a clear Interpretation. Or Most times we don't know when they shall come to pass! But I learnt that when we ask For a confirmation or Sign, God Does it for us.

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia The only Challenge is that we sometimes don't pay attention or sometimes we Don't understand a clear Interpretation. Or Most times we don't know when they shall come to pass! But I learnt that when we ask For a confirmation or Sign, God Does it for us.

Mia Kate reacted