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Confusion in Church

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise the Most High God. In the Night I happened to have a dream in which I was walking with About 2 other people whom I didn't recognize Well. We reached A Church Congregation and there were Many people that I saw as the Church Building was Full of people and Others Happened to Be Seated Out side of the Church. They welcomed us and wanted to put me in front but I refused as if in my heart I had gone to talk to someone and immediately go back. Before entering the Congregation, I wased My Hands and then sat on a bench which was outside but according to how the Church was Built, we all were able to see The Preachers in Front about four of them standing and Ministering at the Same Time but we couldn't hear what they were saying as Men who were seated Behind seemed to be Shouting. I later Told the Preachers that we are unable to listen from you as Men Behind are Shouting. Then the Preachers as they Came Behind to prevent The Ones who were Shouting, I got out of the Dream. The Feeling I had towards this dream is that I wasn't pleased by the Men Because they we're making noise In the Church ?

(@Anonymous 29)
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Could this Dream mean that A time is coming where people in Congregations as far as Churches are concerned will no longer pay any attention to the Leaders at all????

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I think this is about a very specific disruption that annoys you.  It doesn't necessarily have to be in church but related to someone trying to minister and people causing a commotion (even in comments).  

You'll recognize it.  When you do, let me know what it is.

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia Wow!!! This happened of Recent. Someone paused a question about Faith of Works and faith without works, and how we are saved by grace. As I was Sharing about it, with the Faith of listen Believe and Follow, I realized that people started asking irrelevant questions but I managed to answer them all though I wasn't pleased by the Questions they seemed to ask but it all went on Well.???

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🙂 Bingpot 🙂
