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A lady who run a way from her family!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God.
In the Night I had a dream in which I saw a lady who had run a way from Her family. I happened to be with her family as we were looking for her. We reached in a certain family which I didn't know well and entered the House. We looked for her there and later I got her Hiding in the Toilet, I called her out and she got to her parents. The lady was old and Brown. She seemed to be in 27 to 30 years.
Later I entered the toilet where I had found her hidden, and I started easing myself from there. The toilet wasn't finished well as I could see a very small hole Which I was using and on my Left there was a big hole and whoever would use the side of the big hole, would be seen, even where I was easing myself from, a few people would see me. When I went outside, I saw people as they were in Lines going for food. I percieved as if it was a Burial Though I didn't know who had Died. As I went up, the cooks were giving me meat to eat and I asked them to give me the roasted one. I entered a house and found there people of which one of them had a guitar and later I got out of the dream
