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A warded marks??

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God

In the Night I had a dream in which I was in a place I couldn't recognize well but I saw a teacher who used to teach Agriculture in a Secondary school. There is where I had wanted to go and Receive my Documents but when I reached to him, I had a book and I gave it to him?, he marked me and I Got 12/14 that Would make  85.7%

Later I saw when I was with a white Gent of my Same size and Almost age. We happened to be in A good friendship. Each time we were moving together wherever we would choose to going.

As we walked from one place to another, the White gent told me that he wanted to touring industries?, I took him but as we walked through a certain Dangerous place, I realized that we were walking in a Barracks for the Army and the White gent was not careful. When I realized that, I told him to take another route and by all means I tried to save him from Danger. Wherever we chose to going, there was trouble??, I saw a man on a Mortocycle with another one as the passed us, the fallen into a big pit above the Army Barracks where I had taken the White gent up as we were going a way from danger. When I saw about 3 black dogs attacking us, I told the White gent to run a way,, I fought the dogs. I would hit them with Big Rocks, stones, but it's as if they wouldn't feel pain?, later the dogs turned into black people ? one of them was a woman. They seemed to be like Police people ?, I told them that I only cared much about the White gent Brother and I never wanted any hurt to him and me. While I was still there as if they wanted to take me, I felt boldness and I wasn't afraid. Then I got out of the Dream.

(@Anonymous 29)
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Posted by: @salvation

Praise Father God

In the Night I had a dream in which I was in a place I couldn't recognize well but I saw a teacher who used to teach Agriculture in a Secondary school. There is where I had wanted to go and Receive my Documents but when I reached to him, I had a book and I gave it to him?, he marked me and I Got 12/14 that Would make  85.7%

Later I saw when I was with a white Gent of my Same size and Almost age. We happened to be in A good friendship. Each time we were moving together wherever we would choose to going.

As we walked from one place to another, the White gent told me that he wanted to touring industries?, I took him but as we walked through a certain Dangerous place, I realized that we were walking in a Barracks for the Army and the White gent was not careful. When I realized that, I told him to take another route and by all means I tried to save him from Danger. Wherever we chose to going, there was trouble??, I saw a man on a Mortocycle with another one as the passed us, the fallen into a big pit above the Army Barracks where I had taken the White gent up as we were going a way from danger. When I saw about 3 black dogs attacking us, I told the White gent to run a way,, I fought the dogs. I would hit them with Big Rocks, stones, but it's as if they wouldn't feel pain?, later the dogs turned into black people ? one of them was a woman. They seemed to be like Police people ?, I told them that I only cared much about the White gent Brother and I never wanted any hurt to him and me. While I was still there as if they wanted to take me, I felt boldness and I wasn't afraid. Then I got out of the Dream.

While we walked in the Barracks at first, in front of us at a far distance, I saw someone who seemed to be looking at us, while the white gent went to a place on our right, I realized that there were trees which never looked good and in there were Graves. I realized that that place was Scaring. As I told him to leave there, we went to another place a bove the Army Barracks. Where we encountered the Dogs and the Men who passed us on a Motorcycle. It's like they were not Hurt. But when they had fallen in a pit which led to the Army Barracks down, the dogs came???????????????????????????
