Praise the Name of JESUS. In the Night I had a dream in Which I saw some whites with guns under Cover pointing to other whites who seemed to be in a deal which I didn't know. It's as if they couldn't agree with each other and a fight was almost going to begin. The Man I saw had clothes and he would try as if he is expanding himself and the Clothes would burst and he appears in another place with other clothes, I saw some of his people being taken by armed men but for him it wasn't easy by the Armed men to locate him because he seemed to have strange powers. I saw one of the Camera man enjoying to capture him on the Video as the Man could show his powers by Disappearing!!!! The Dream seemed to scare but at the Same time Shocking ?
So some guy had super powers and didn't get taken by the men with guns?
@sistermia that's it and he Seemed to be so much Proud of His powers!!!!!
And it was being videoed?
@sistermia that's it Mummy ??