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About 8 small young snakes

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise the Most High God. In the Night I had a dream and this dream took place in a house in which we grown up from. I saw in a dream, a very young Baby who was laid on the Mattress on the Flour and after as I entered the House, I saw small young snakes which seemed to be Green and white in color. I told the people who were also there. I went and Brought the rod but where I had gone to get the rod from behind the House in the Corridor, I saw there some Black Ants but they never did anything to me. I got the Rod and entered the House and Started Killing the Young Small snakes. Some other people where showing me as they would say hit on the Head here?? By God's Grace we Managed to kill the Snakes! I somehow saw a lady who used to stay with us but died. I saw her there as I was hitting the Snakes and she seemed to keep going a way from me. The feeling in this Dream is that I felt Sorry for the Baby but at the Same time thought that the Snakes wouldn't do anything to the Baby as they were very small and Young. I later Got out of the Dream.

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Posts: 400

Good job killing them!
