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Art Exam!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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In the Night I had a dream in which I saw the Students whom I studied with in Highschool. As I walked, I realized that they were doing some exam of Art in a room. When I reached, I found one who had finished and he told me that the Exam is easy and went on and Told me that the teacher will first test!

I walked to a room and while there, a young boy a round 4years came and asked me for A bottle of Water and a cake. Immediately I went to the Shop and Bought for him. Before I paid, I saw a shopkeeper giving me Balance, I insisted that I haven't paid her but she instead gave me the Money and Said that I take it?, while I wasn't understanding well what was going on, I saw a man who seemed to be A pastor that I knew as he was giving me Some Coins that I do take them??, I was receiving Money only. Later I saw when some gents Followed me after I was given The Silver Coins?, I couldn't get their Intentions but they were good. Later I saw when a gent I didn't know started removing my Property from a poor room in which I was staying in as he was taking me to a better one?❤️?????, That was the Dream though I couldn't get every Detail well.???????
