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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise The Most High God So much!

In the Night I had a dream in which I happened to be Back to a place where I was Born from and while in our House, it's like there was some little Rainfall Outside and I happened to be with a close lady Friend from the University!, She Moved Outside the House as she was going to School then I escorted her! Before escorting her, I went back In the House to see if I could get an Umbrella, but the Ones I got were not fixed well. It's as if they were old and some other were torn and so I descided to leaving the Umbrella and escorted her. On our way, we passed through a small fenced Road and as we continued, there is where we reached and she passed on a nother way through a family but still we met in the same road as there was a short distance. It's like she trespassed and I told her that you shouldn't have tresspassed! We were all happy and In good terms and I loved her??, every time I was embracing her ?? as we continued, I got out of the Dream.

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You both passed through an opening in a fence to get where you were going?

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs the Small road was in between the Fence. She passed a lone on a nother small road that passed in a nother home above it but me I remained on the Real road and we again continued walking together in Harmony ?????❤️?

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So she didn't walk through the opening in the fence?

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs Am gonna Draw a picture and Send to you where She Passed. It was all leading to the Same place.

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Posts: 400

so you and someone you are walking with part ways temporarily but come back together again and all is good
