In the Night I saw while I walked along the Road, big lorry where being driven by People whom I didn't see but it's as if they were on Road training.
As I continued, I saw some other lorry which were parked a long side the left of the Road.
Later I saw when I was following some gents. I saw when gents where try to walk a cross a bad river and before that we passed through a swamp which had Stagnant water. I was careful always. I saw when the people whom I was with, as they walked in water but their main purpose was to cross to the other side of the river and it's like we were going home. I saw when they were weak as I felt power and just jumped Over the River to the other side. My abilities where Surprising ???????, After Crossing, I got out of the Dream ?
In the Night I saw while I walked along the Road, big lorry where being driven by People whom I didn't see but it's as if they were on Road training.
As I continued, I saw some other lorry which were parked a long side the left of the Road.
Later I saw when I was following some gents. I saw when gents where try to walk a cross a bad river and before that we passed through a swamp which had Stagnant water. I was careful always. I saw when the people whom I was with, as they walked in water but their main purpose was to cross to the other side of the river and it's like we were going home. I saw when they were weak as I felt power and just jumped Over the River to the other side. My abilities where Surprising ??????
?, After Crossing, I got out of the Dream ?
Nothing stops me from Crossing