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Boiled Rotten egg

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise God. 

In the Night I had a dream while I was in a place which I couldn't understand well. I could see some other people as if it was a school, I could see cars, while I walked around there, I saw when I had an egg in my Hands which I was gonna eat. I could see other very many people who were passing on me with very many eggs who were eating them and had removed the Covers. While I removed the Egg Cover shells and tried eating the York, the Thing turned out to be Rotten and I threw it a way. I really felt bad and Wasn't pleased.

(@Anonymous 29)
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Joined: 4 years ago
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Posted by: @revelation-21

Praise God. 

In the Night I had a dream while I was in a place which I couldn't understand well. I could see some other people as if it was a school, I could see cars, while I walked around there, I saw when I had an egg in my Hands which I was gonna eat. I could see other very many people who were passing on me with very many eggs who were eating them and had removed the Covers. While I removed the Egg Cover shells and tried eating the York, the Thing turned out to be Rotten and I threw it a way. I really felt bad and Wasn't pleased.

The taste of the egg wasn't good. That's why am calling it Rotten. The taste was really bad and Sour. I don't know if this deals with the Health I have been in.
