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Business Competitors ?

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God. 

In the Night I had a dream in which I was In a place where I was born from. While on the Shops in a trading Center, I happened to be collecting money from the people whom we would sell too Charcoal. 

While they paid me, there are a few other sellers who would sell little things to the same Customers whom we were selling to. I happened to collect more money from about Three Customers whom we used to sell to, while the other seller competitors got little money. 

While I opened My Wallet, to put in money, the Other people a round saw more money and tried to run after me, but before they would run after me, I sensed it and took off. On my way I saw people who were cleaning a way which led to their Family and I somehow appreciated them. As I run a bit, there is someone who was shooting arrows to the people who were chasing after me in order to steal money from me. A nother person directed me were to pass and run a way to a Family which was on my right. I jumped to an a bandoned house and while I was almost stuck jumping on the window, I saw my parents ????, I passed through and went to my parents. The chasers never had a way to me and would nolonger see me. In other words, I could nolonger see them. 

While I walked with my Parents, I had them say that they have a capacity to be the only one to sell to all customers by producing too much of the products which the buyers wanted. ??, To me I felt that we can leave other sellers to also sell to the same Customers we were selling to charcoal but my parents were concerned with being the only ones to sell only????????????????????????, later I got out of the dream. I thank God who sent people to fight for me and directing me to overcoming my Health, financial and everything that concerns my Life?? Thank you Father God in Jesus Mighty Name ?????????? ???????????????????????
