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Calling my Attention!!!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God!

In the Night I had a dream which is related to the dream which I had sometime back while at the University before CoVid came it.

Before Covid19 came in, I had a dream that i I was in the lecture room with my Fellow Students and the Soft boad where the Lecture used to notes as he or she could be teaching, the distance was very Far that all of Us couldn't see what was written there. 

After two weeks in real life, the president annouced All Schools, Churches and many other things should close due to Covid19 ??, 

This Night I had a dream related to it. I was in a class while we were Studying, it's like I was seated with a lady who kept on abusing me Sexually, later I saw when we were all Outside the Class and the class this time was in a field. Our seats were there and the Lecturer Started telling us to have social Distance due to Covid19 ?, to my Surprise, the Blackboard was very far, there was even a fence which could be passed in order to go to the Blackboard ??, I walked to see the Blackboad such that I can know what was written there but I couldn't read well and when I went back and Asked the Students whether they were able to read what was written on the Blackboard, Surprisingly, they Said Yes???????????????????????

This dream Oh God let me hope the Interpretation shall be Good???????????

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Oh, wow!  What is going on right now with COVID cases in your country?  Are they increasing?

if this is related to the dream, and that dream foretold COVID distancing, and now there is a fence around the blackboard, and more social distancing measures, it seems like it will be continuing.

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs Right now things seem Stable and The Masses are being Vaccinated, Most things got opened but we are waiting what next. Covid19 just comes once and the Curve goes high unexpectedly. Probably maybe things may a gain call for Closure but per now everything seems Good.

Mia Kate reacted
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Is your work reopened?

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs probably Next Month. It is like likely to Open if there is no change as a result of Covid19. Post Secondary Institutions and Tertailly Institutions are to open Soon.

(@Anonymous 29)
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Posted by: @promiseofthefather

Praise Father God!

In the Night I had a dream which is related to the dream which I had sometime back while at the University before CoVid came it.

Before Covid19 came in, I had a dream that i I was in the lecture room with my Fellow Students and the Soft boad where the Lecture used to notes as he or she could be teaching, the distance was very Far that all of Us couldn't see what was written there. 

After two weeks in real life, the president annouced All Schools, Churches and many other things should close due to Covid19 ??, 

This Night I had a dream related to it. I was in a class while we were Studying, it's like I was seated with a lady who kept on abusing me Sexually, later I saw when we were all Outside the Class and the class this time was in a field. Our seats were there and the Lecturer Started telling us to have social Distance due to Covid19 ?, to my Surprise, the Blackboard was very far, there was even a fence which could be passed in order to go to the Blackboard ??, I walked to see the Blackboad such that I can know what was written there but I couldn't read well and when I went back and Asked the Students whether they were able to read what was written on the Blackboard, Surprisingly, they Said Yes???????????????????????

This dream Oh God let me hope the Interpretation shall be Good???????????

Such kind of Dream came when I was at School Studying. And in this case am here At Supernatural life University ?, am wondering whether we gonna have some Pause and then Resume after some time???

(@Anonymous 29)
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Could it be a situation in the Future wereby Students shall continue learning from the work here but when for me am a bit not Active here? Am wondering since students were able to read and know what was written on the Blackboard despite the distance and fence. But to my side I was unable.???????

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs With The Coming of Omicron!! Covid19 issues Gonna be on again????????, Father God Have Mercy Upon the Whole World. 
