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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise God. 

In the Night I had a dream in which I was with my mother in a thick field of green shrubs! My mother Happenend to be picking some medicine plants and I saw a Green Chameleon from a plant from where she was gonna pick the medicine and I hit the Chameleon with a big rod which I had in my Hands because I never wanted it to bite her. It fell down and I saw it as if it was gonna die and I got out of the Dream.

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What were your feelings about the chameleon?  Obviously they weren't good since you clubbed it. 

When I think of chameleons I think of a person who camouflages theirbteu self to blend in.  And it seems like this person was seen as a threat by you. 

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What were your feelings about the chameleon?  Obviously they weren't good since you clubbed it. 

When I think of chameleons I think of a person who camouflages their self to blend in.  And it seems like this person was seen as a threat by you. 

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs When I hit the Chameleon, it felt down and it started looking at me as if it was angry due to the Fact that I hit it with the Rod. To me I thought it was gonna Bite my Mother and I heard to hit it with the Big Rod which I had in my Hands.

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Good job.  :). This is definitely a person you protect your "mother" from 
