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Climbing A Heavy and Dangerous Mountain!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God.

In the Night I had a dream in which I happened to be in a place which somehow looked like Where I studied University From. On my Right there happened to be some area which was fenced with Mettalic poles and Birberd wires.  As I walked and tried Flying towards a Hilly place besides that fence, I saw students who were going up the Hill in a School. While I tried going up, I could feel Some Resistance pulling me down but I tried to resist and also continued flying and when I couldn't manage, I took hold of the big stones on the hill and it turned into a big and Dangerous Mountain, behind me there was a man whom I couldn't Recognize but he kept on encouraging me to Climbing and Told me which Stones I should take hold of while Climbing.???????, While I was still Climbing, above me was a lady that took hold of a weak stone and she fallen, I felt sorry for her??, there were others Climbing too but me I followed instructions and Climbed up to the Top because behind me was A man whom I felt and would tell me what to do though I couldn't see him. When I reached on top, I saw a lady who seemed to be a twin and she was Lieing down on her back as if she was dead, but later I was a mazed when she turned out to be a live, later I saw her twin sister also as the jumped down and happened to have Food in their hands, when they reached to the Ground, they were not hurt but White Creatures like Birds run to them and tried to eating and taking a way their food but it's like the ladies over powered the Birds though they Seemed to be Many. It's as if I wasn't there but was seeing these things happen. I saw when the Ladies were running in what looked like A desert but in Few tree like things, I saw animals which I couldn't Recognize as if they were covered with Snow, the Situation seemed not to be good. As if it was showing me People and Animals and Vehicles running a way from Snow or Ice like things. The Snow looked like Dusty Brown things which were Covering People and it was hard to Recognize who this or that was.???????????????????????? May Father God Save these people. I felt the pain and was Confused ?
