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Driving a Car!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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In the Night I had a dream in which I was from our Home where our Family Currently stays. 

I realized and felt while in the car as if am the one who was driving but later realized that it was a guy who ever stayed with us but later died?, I removed and commanded him to leave the Drivers seat while the car was moving and I sat there. Before that I saw when some track was coming behind us and the police car was also behind us but by all means, I had to seat there and drove. At first I had issues with the Breaks but later I managed the car and later got out of the Dream?????????????????????

(@Anonymous 29)
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Joined: 4 years ago
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Posted by: @sonshine

In the Night I had a dream in which I was from our Home where our Family Currently stays. 

I realized and felt while in the car as if am the one who was driving but later realized that it was a guy who ever stayed with us but later died?, I removed and commanded him to leave the Drivers seat while the car was moving and I sat there. Before that I saw when some track was coming behind us and the police car was also behind us but by all means, I had to seat there and drove. At first I had issues with the Breaks but later I managed the car and later got out of the Dream?????????????????????

Pretty a Good Dream where I take control of My Life's Journey ❤️?, as I follow God
