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Everyone calling me for Food(Irish)

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God.

In the Night I had a dream in which I was in a school where I studied Primary Six and Seven from. While I tried to Enter Primary Seven, I saw in there Primary six Puils and Went to Primary Six and Found in there priPrim Seven Pupils. It's as if there was a shift or Changing of Classes. I may call it Interchanging of Class. 

While I was in what used to be Primary Six, I could see primary Seven Learners. In the Class, there were a lot of Property some of which belonged to me?, I saw a bout Three Gents who were seated in Front on the Seats as if they were Gonna Minister to Us.

A few of the ladies who where there could tell me To go and get Irish potatoes from Them, Everything they talked about Was Food.

 I saw a lady whom I loved so much during those days of Primary ???, probably she was A symbol for someone else. I tried to following where she was going in the dream but there seemed to be a small Distance between us. Later I got out of the Dream???????
