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First Church where I was Born!!!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise God So much. In the Night I had a dream in which I was at the Church were I was Born.

While at that Church, I happened to be going to the Urinals and passed on the latrines and I happened to be on Bare foot! After reaching the Urinals, I saw a Woman who was bathing, as I could see Part of her privacy, I later heard a Voice of my Father as if it was Speaking from that woman telling me that I prepare Myself, that there is where we are gonna go together!!! I started Urinating and stopped looking there because it's as if it was my Father!

After I saw myself when I was putting on Nice and Expensive Clothes and Good Shoes as I was to a place at Church with Many People as if they were Done with the Service and I saw when I was preventing about Three Babies from Being knocked by the Bishops Car of that Ministry!!!???????

After at the Same place, I happened to Have Roasted Maize and was eating and I saw a lady who asked me that why are you eating poor Maize! I then told her that it is not Poor and Immediately there was a woman who asked me to eat on it and I gave her and some other babies it's like that I gave them though I don't remember well.

Then outside in the Same location of the Church, there Happened to be Some Wooden Houses and it's like one Belonged to me and it had two rooms inside. I saw when I had given my bed to people who were working on it and Later they gave me a new one and took the poor one to reparing it and Maybe give it or sell it to others because they seemed to say that it wasn't damaged so much!??. While I was still there, I saw my Pastor a Woman of a Ministry that I served in at the University and She happened to be in my House and after my Bedroom, you could go to hers! It's like the House belonged to me and Her. While she was there, Many People were lining and Others Kneeling Down along the Line in Order to Receiving prayers and Prophecy from Her????????????????,

I happened to be Outside seated with some other people and I heard one of the Man saying that, that Woman is A Prophetess of God!! Then later I saw a young boy of that Woman who seemed to be Hungry and I called Him, I asked him what he wanted to eat and he Told me Pilau(Rice and Cabbage)?? then it's like he knew the Hotel and run to it and I followed him running after him such that I pay for him!! We reached at the Hotel and found there a lady who had served  him already and as I sat there and asked for Money to paying, I got out of the Dream. This was the Best Dream ever in my Life so far. My Relationship with the Prophetes was Awesome ?? sharing the Same room!!!!! 

Due to the Fact that the Prophetes was doing her Ministry outside the Church in the Same location, I felt that she was gonna be Harrased by the other Ministers Because all the People were going to her for prayers and Prophecy ?????❤️?????????, I realized that Other Ministers Mighty Envy her but Father God is in Control ??????????⭐?⭐?⭐?⭐?⭐?⭐
