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football Match

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise God. 

In the night I had a dream in which I was with many gents as we played football.  

I was having  a small problem in my left leg.  I saw when my Dad was somewhere watching us.  There is where I scored a goal.  I asked to know  which number I was playing and they told me 7. As we continued  playing, I saw players who were violating rules of the match and winning fake goals and I couldn't  allow it.  I talked to them and they all listened hence we had a peaceful game later I got out of the Dream. 

(@Anonymous 29)
Noble Member Guest
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 1193
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Posted by: @listen-believe-and-follow

Praise God. 

In the night I had a dream in which I was with many gents as we played football.  

I was having  a small problem in my left leg.  I saw when my Dad was somewhere watching us.  There is where I scored a goal.  I asked to know  which number I was playing and they told me 7. As we continued  playing, I saw players who were violating rules of the match and winning fake goals and I couldn't  allow it.  I talked to them and they all listened hence we had a peaceful game later I got out of the Dream. 

When I scored a goal,  I saw some gent who celebrated that he is the one who scored it but I just ignored it and remained calm as the goal belongs to the team.  I hit the ball directly  as it was thrown to me and the one who said he scored it,  just tried to putting his foot there but never reached it. 
