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Great Works in a School!!!!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise The Most High God. In the Night I had a dream in which I happened to be in an advanced school as I could see a building which was good in a school. I saw students fechtning water as they were mopping the Classes then after as I went to the Side which led to the Toilets, I saw a teacher who had a house for White Rabbits besides one of the School and it's as if she was telling me that we have more rabbits together and I was happy about it then a nother teacher who was a man was excited to taking me to the latrines as he was showing me how they have cleaned them and they were mopped well but as I was checking in the latrines it's like they were not thoroughly washed well and some students seemed not to be pleased with the way they were cleaned. It's like I wanted to ease myself there but also wasn't pleased and thought of easing myself from the ones of My Fellow Teachers. It's as if I was a teacher when actually I was in a school where I studied primary from only the side where the Latrines were could tell me that it was a place where I studied my Primary school. That was the dream.

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I'm having a little trouble following this one.

Can you explain the rabbit part better?

I think the latrines represent where we are posting dreams.  I think that at some point you're not going to want to share your dreams publically and will want to move them to a private part of the website where not everyone can see them because you will probably end up teaching people here.  I can build a section that only moderators can see and we can start posting your dreams there.  

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs the House of rabbits was besides a class and above the Class there seemed to be a channel pipe for tapping rain water and it passed on top of the house of Rabbits. Also as I was heading to the Latrines, it's as if there was a nother house for Rabbits. But I couldn't get it all well but the Man I saw seemed to telling me to look after rabbits together and I accepted. Then about the Issue of Sharing dream here, I have no problem with it because I believe that people shall learn from them Once you host the Website on the internet or Google issues being Solved. These dreams shall be helpful.??????????????

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs the House of rabbits was besides a class and above the Class there seemed to be a channel pipe for tapping rain water and it passed on top of the house of Rabbits. Also as I was heading to the Latrines, it's as if there was a nother house for Rabbits. But I couldn't get it all well but the Man I saw seemed to telling me to look after rabbits together and I accepted. Then about the Issue of Sharing dream here, I have no problem with it because I believe that people shall learn from them Once you host the Website on the internet or Google issues being Solved. These dreams shall be helpful.??????????????

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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 400

I agree!!! I think they will be helpful!  I do believe the latrines and not wanting to use the public bathroom is wanting privacy here though.  We shall see what it is that you don't want to do with the other students in the future.
