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In a Biology Class!!!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise The Most High God. In the Night I had a dream in which I was with many other Students with a Teacher who taught us Biology in a Secondary School. We Happened to be in  two Groups and some where in the Class and others learning from Outside. The Teacher Would attend to one Group at a time! The Funny thing that happened is that The Laptop which the Teacher was using run out of Battery and at the time all the students seemed to be Chatting and not Studying. The Class in which we Happenend to be in seemed a temporary one as you could see through just poles and roofs. As the Teacher went Down to ease himself from the Toilet, he found when one of the Students had sealed the Hole with a Timber and nails!!!! So the Teacher had to First remove them in order to ease himself and he somehow Complained. After I saw as if it was in the Night where I was in the same area of the School, I went Outside to ease myself from the Door but instead I had a voice telling me to ease from a far distance just to Urinating. I crossed the road and as I was Urinating, I saw a guitar laid on the ground and there happened to be Uniform for Students as if they had put it there to Dry though it was in the Night. As I was getting back to the Room as if I was going to Sleep, I saw a group of other class member where they were and never understood what was going on. I finally Got out of the Dream 
