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In The School happy to be with young Children!!!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise The Most High God.

In the Night I had A dream in which I happened to be with Young Children in a School. I saw how a certain Teacher was teaching them in a class and later I saw a young boy who the Teacher Gave a Microphone and to my Surprise, the teacher would teach as the Young boy interprets to his fellow pupils in a language which they understood and at the same time the young boy would note in His book!!!!!!, Then later I happened to had Miss placed my Phone and Spects in their class but a certain lady gave them to me who also was a teacher as she was also in that class seeing how a fellow Teacher was Teaching young Children.

Later I Happenend to be Outside and I was teaching young Children songs of praise and Worship to Father God. We were all happy. I later saw when I was giving Instructions to a somehow old student who was Misshandling what looked as my Guitar and when I tried to teaching him, he looked so proud and never wanted to listen to me but when many other students came and paid attention, they all did listen to my instructions and it was all well with us and Finally I got out of the Dream,!!! Young children are easy to be dealt with than old ones???????????????????????
