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lost gear,,

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my new dream,

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i am at the most southern city of my country, ive not been to ,, it is on the, east coast,i wade out into the sea, the water is still and clear,im up to my knees deep.i look in to the water and see items on the sand, lost by someone, a keyring, a compass, pocketknife, and aqualung kit. i gather them up. then the dream repeats, and extends, after i gather the gear i venture out deeper and find a sunken boat ,with outboard motor, there is someone else there , i want the boat and try to wrestle it for my self, but it is heavy, the other person wants it also, i wonder what happened to the owner of the boat and gear,, ? 

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Did you have any feelings about the other person?

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not hugely , just wonderment over the loss of equipment, the name of the boat was bowie,,

(@Anonymous 29)
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@visionofthenight if the Water is clear but Stagnant (still) it is not good.

(@Anonymous 29)
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@visionofthenight could the Items lost by someone mean someone who has lost The Flow of the Spirit concerning Things Of God?

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Sonshine, Site rule.  No interpreting the dreams of others unless you've been following God in dreams and visions, here, for more than five years. I don't want you learning something wrong from another site (like dreams can come from Satan) and then passing that on here. 

Here's a story.  I once had a dream that I couldn't fill my cup.  I was standing before self service drink machines but nothing would come out.  My cup was empty.

Supposedly knowledgeable dream interpreters said that my cup was empty and it needed to be filled by the Holy Spirit.  I needed to do this that and the third to get it filled.

The next day I went to Mcdonalds and bought a drink.  When I went to the drink machines with my empty cup to fill it both machines said OUT OF ORDER.

Dreams are almost always about a literal event in the future (with the exception of recurring nightmares from people who have suffered trauma) and not about some vague spiritual meaning like the flow of God has stopped.

This post was modified 3 years ago 3 times by Mia Kate

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@overflow Still water can be good if it is clear and clean.

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Think about something that has been abandoned that you have a desire for and so does someone else.

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs I had thought of the Word Still( to representing) stagnant water.

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Still water isn't always stagnant water.  A well is still but not necessarily stagnant.

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the water was the ocean, clear and clean , with very little motion, in a general sense, i wondered if the dream showed a lost ministry, given the items lost, i dont do boating, or scoba diving so its not a nateral hobby that is creeping into my dream world, its a mystery to me given the location,etc,, ? 

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I was thinking along those lines as well, as far as an abandoned or sunken ministry.  It's quite possible.

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I was thinking along those lines as well, as far as an abandoned or sunken ministry.  It's quite possible.  Also Ocean represents a large group, worldwide, when it refers to ministry reach.  Not that it's going to be Hillsong but something the size of the boat that can reach the globe.

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hmmm interesting point great boss, ? ? 

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