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My Feet regenerates!!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God. 

In the Night I had a dream in which I was in a School which I couldn't Recognize very well, I saw a lady who had come for Studies and while she walked in the School, a car driven by a woman almost Knocked her? in the School. ???????, When the Woman got out of the Car with many Ladies she had brought in her Car, I realized that the Lady who was almost gonna be knocked by the Car in the School, was the Daughter to that woman ? I was wondering why the lady came to school not in her Mother's car to the Extent that she was almost gonna be knocked down by their car. But I thank God she Never got Knocked down????????, Later I saw when I was in a place which I couldn't recognize very well but saw when I was with some of my Old Boys whom I have ever Studied with in Primary School!, There is Something that scared me?, I happened to be washing my Feet with a stone, and Suddenly my Feet started Bursting down and Regenerating into New Feets??, I would remove the Dirt, I felt that I was gonna feel pain but I never Felt any and Later I saw when my Feets were Very Nice Looking and I got out of the Dream?????????????????????
