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My phone rings in the Class!!!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God. In the Night I had a dream in which I was in the class in a school where I studied Secondary from?, while in class seated behind, two teachers entered the class and One of the teachers saw a gent who was seated in front busy on phone as he was using it under the Desk. The Teacher pulled him up to see what he was doing and found out that it was a phone ??, they never allowed phones in the School and so it was a bad moment ??, Now the Other teacher told the one who had gotten a phone to check others??, I had two phones of Which one wasn't working and was a bit upset about it because by all means the teacher was gonna take them a way ?, when he was checking, I had a phone which wasn't fine in my pocket and he took that but at first i had refused to give it out. while I had put the right one in the Desk?, Now all the students knew that I had a phone which was functioning and what did up set me and my Fellow students is that, my Phone in the Desk started ringing and Vibrating?, the teachers asked what was that, the other students started shaking their mathematical sets to say that they are the ones which were vibrating ??, the teacher later discovered that I had a phone but when he asked for it I refused to give it to him. I closed my eyes and he was surprised about how my eyes turned?, he therefore gave up but they went on the exit door to checking us while we go out. By all means the teacher wanted to see how that phone looked like though he had discovered that I had it. While going outside i felt that I used to go to school with phones and this time they were gonna taken a way from me? I refused but while going outside, I passed on the teacher and he saw my phone but Surprisingly he lied to his fellow teacher that oh it is just a vibrating machine???, Aww, the teacher wanted to keep good just with me and we ended up embrancing each other and he said that he can't take my phones a way?????it's like he was gonna give back my other phone?????, Above all it turned out to be good though I was shading tears while Embracing him??Glory be to Father God in the Highest?????????????????????
