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Ovacado Fruits ?

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Joined: 4 years ago
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In the Night I had a dream in which I saw a Minister of the Grace Gosple in our Country. 

I had three Ovacado Fruits. Two were big and Over Ripen while one was Smaller and Ripen. 

The Man of God came to me as if he had come to buy from me. It's like he never liked the Bigger ones but while he touched on them, they Disappeared. I could nolonger see the Two Big ones. I remained with a smaller one and while he Went, I was a bit upset that he couldn't buy from me but while still there, he Came back and I felt Joy as he Bought the smaller one. Later I saw as if I had gone to get him more Fruits in a house in which I saw hens, Some machines Connected in and while I tried to get out of that House, I somehow gotten some Issues as I saw some Iron Bars on the Door. I got out of the Dream when I was passing my Head through to get out of the House through the Bars which I saw.????????????????????????????????????
