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Protestant Church, Dangerous steep and Baby girl

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God. 

In the Night I had a dream in which I entered the Protestant Church from the door where the priests enter from behind. I saw a Guitar which seemed to be for a friend and it's like it was left there and had a damage. The door of the Church seemed to be old and broken, I saw a woman whom I was able to recognize as a proud Protestant?, she was seated at the door and she seemed to had nothing to do. I walked in their Church and it was Empty. I wasn't pleased and went a way. Later I saw when I was with my Young Brother on a dangerous steep? we seemed to be joking from there and my Young Brother almost fallen but he got Rescued???????, he wasn't hurt at all. I tried preventing him from the Steep which was dangerous. Later I saw when my Mother had given Birth to a baby Girl. I was greatly Surprised to Seeing her walk before her real time?, it was Amazing ??, each time I was embrancing the Baby Girl and kissing her????????, it was an Awesome Moment. In a nother dream I saw when I was chasing goats a way from Destroying other people's crops though I didn't know the Owners of the Crops. 
