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Resued from a dangerous Place!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God So much.

In the Night I had a dream in which I happened to be in a family of a rich man as I was with the son of that rich man while we were applying manure/Fertilizers in the Banana Plantation!. There is a part of the Plantation where I found myself and there were three Graves in line as I poured the little manure/fertilizer in that part of the Plantation, the Son of the Boss called me immediately to leave that place that it never belonged to them?, while I left that place, I passed in a part of the plantation which had pits of Latrines which were having human wastes and the place was slipy to the extent that I almost got stack there but while some man I couldn't recognize appeared and started telling me on how to go back and get out from that dangerous place. Imediately I saw when I was in a big tree in that very place as I was going down Slowly and that man still was showing me how to come down!, It was indeed a rescue, while I was going down, two young boys appeared of almost 13years of which one of them was skilled and a nother one wasn't. One boy jumped and fell to a right place but when a nother one who wasn't skilled jumped, he felt into the Pit with watery stools because the pits could allow water to run in, but Surprisingly, I saw the skilled boy trying to rescue the fellow while the fellow was in pit laughing. Imediately the man who was resceing me went down  and removed the young boy as the other one was gonna fall in also, it was a dangerous place but we all got rescued and later I got out of the Dream.?????????????????????

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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 400

Great news.  Rescued from the pit!
