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School on a hill?

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God.

In the Night I had a dream in which I entered the School with some people whom I didn't know.

On entering the Class, it's as if the people I was with I could see a few of the members whom I recognized as one was a student whom I taught in a school. I saw when the Head of the School was The President of Our Country. 

At first when we entered, the President got frightened as he knew that people had come to Over throw him from power. It seemed to be so, and while still there, I saw when the ladder of the people who had come to fight him, say that they have attacked the president because he Made a student to fail the exams?, the president Explained that the student had not done any exam and he wanted free marks?, while we were still there, to me I happened to be seeing Everything that was going on though I happened to be with them. Suddenly many other students came and the President was saved like that from the Attackers. Before that the President Opened his Wallet and he had a lot of Money which seemed to be USD, everyone wanted to touch on the Money and see how it looked like?, I too Asked him to give me and I touched on, then later I could nolonger see him, I went out the Class and saw many Students walking in the School in their Uniform as even some were being punished to go back to class. I could see many students some with Different Uniforms. Later I Went on an area which was a bove on a raised Ground. There Happened to be a house and inside there were many People Prophecying, others talking of What God has done for them?????????? it was and amazing Moment. As I went outside, still with Students, I received a call on my phone as Someone had called me. We started talking of Great Things, I had two people on phone who had called me, they were talking of The Things they have, I had ond tell the other to put on the Television for them to see something which they were telling me About. The people who were outside seeing me talk on phone were surprised of the things I was sharing ???????, I later got out of the Dream???????????????

(@Anonymous 29)
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The Last Part seems to have Just Happened. A friend of Mine who has A Masters Degree in Mathematics and IT related things and Who does Ministry has Just Called me and he Wants me to go and Do work with him Majorly in the Media and Music in the Ministry he Has been having and Wants to Start. Am Praying about it???????

(@Anonymous 29)
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Many opposition leaders who had come up are now changing to the President. Our president is Overcoming them to himself 
