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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God.

In the Night I had a dream in which I was in a place with some people whom I couldn't recognize well. I happened to be at what looked as a Gate of a big School?, while I was there, I saw a rich man on a Motorcycle as he had come to take his brothers. I went and greeted him, after I saw the two brothers of him who resembled him and sat on the Mortocycle and went a way. Later I saw a small car which was also taking in some passangers and they also went a way?, I saw that most people in that car had wanted to come to me according to how they were looking at me but instead, no one made it to me?, after they had gone, I was taken into the Spirit and while at that place, I saw a Skyscraper Building and A bout 3 to 4 Double Cabin cars were parked there. The Home was Fenced but I would see what was there despite the Distance at which I was standing. I was indeed Separated???, I heard a Voice telling me that the Owner of that House left it and it went to a nother City. As if that house would be taken as an inheritance by others. The owner of that house was indeed Rich but the way that house looked like, to me it's as if it was an abandoned one. The roofings were Clay made( The ones which are Burnt and made hard) but the house looked a bit Old ?????????????????????

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Anonymous
