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Some adopted Brother who Once stayed with us but later died ?

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God.

In the Night I had a dream as I was in a place where we had our first home. 

I happened to be with a Brother who used to stay with us but later died. He happened to be talking to me but I couldn't remember what he was saying. Then later I realized that he had died and I started resisting him and Chasing him a way from our home. I prayed and even had a rod and started caining him telling him that he died but he refused and said that he never died??, he wanted to enter Our House but I refused him. 

I entered and closed the Door and left him outside when he Couldn't go a way. Imediately, I went to the Bedroom door of my Parents and told them that Brother X' was outside. Then my Dad got outside and while I went outside again with my Father, the Brother X had a Package of two Bags of Salt and a big bag of baked burns??, it's like my Father Received him. I later saw in a room seated with that Brother X asking him how much he had bought the packages but he didn't know how much he had even bought them but instead said 5500sh( that is 1usd and some points) but I realized that he had bought the items at a round 50500sh( that is 15usd and some points). I was wondering why he couldn't accept that he died. His words were always that only Children shall go to heaven when he was still Young with us almost same age.may he continue resting in Peace.

Waiting to see what this dream meant!!?????????????????????

(@Anonymous 29)
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Recently my Dad has been in Hospital due to Typhoid. I don't know if the Above dream meant Sickness. But thank God my Dad is now fine.
