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Sweet potatoes and Cassava!!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise the Most High God. 

In the Night I had a dream In which I happened to be with some people of whom we were in the Garden or Sweet potatoes as we were harvesting them. But the Funny thing this is that the People who were harvesting, their Hoes were not fixed well and also the Garden seemed hard and not fruitful! Later I tried using their Hoes because I seemed to be their supervisor but later I saw myself with the Pangas( big swords) about two of them and I happened to using them to Harvesting and the Garden seemed to being fruitful to me. I later saw myself with a nother man as we were Uprooting Cassava in the Same Garden of sweetpotatoes. It's like later I saw Utensils in the same Garden as if I was washing them and later I seemed to be calling my Youngest brother to take feeds for the rabbits from the garden of Sweetpotatoes!?? That's how the Dream Was!

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i like the spirit of this dream, a sense of blessing and fruitfulness coming from the work of your hands, also a leadership role emerging, ? ,, the garden speaks of the kingdom of God,, interesting, sonny jimms ? 

Mia Kate reacted
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In the Night I had a dream In which I happened to be with some people of whom we were in the Garden or Sweet potatoes as we were harvesting them.

(Harvesting in the kingdom)

But the Funny thing this is that the People who were harvesting, their Hoes were not fixed well and also the Garden seemed hard and not fruitful!

(Kinda seems that way now)

Later I tried using their Hoes because I seemed to be their supervisor but later I saw myself with the Pangas( big swords) about two of them and I happened to using them to Harvesting and the Garden seemed to being fruitful to me.

(Did it work when you tried using their hoes?)

(Then you used the swords and it was easier? (Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says YHVH)

I later saw myself with another man as we were Uprooting Cassava in the Same Garden of sweet potatoes.

What happened then?

It's like later I saw Utensils in the same Garden as if I was washing them and later I seemed to be calling my Youngest brother to take feeds for the rabbits from the garden of Sweetpotatoes!  

Can you explain more about this part?

Could you please share your feelings through all of this?



(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs when I tried to using their hoes, it never worked out well and I don't know where I Got Two Sharp Pangas(Swords) and I used them to getting The Sweet potatoes. 

My Feelings is that I was thinking of How I was gonna gather all the Sweet potatoes Because it's like we had harvested to different parts of the Garden and the Sweet potatoes were too much and Scattered to different Parts of the Garden.

About the Cassava, when I found out that they were ready, on uprooting it a certain Gentleman came and helped me to cutting them well. He Asked for my Panga and I gave him. We were really In Too much Love and Unity. I felt Joy indeed. 

Then About Utensils(Dishes) it's like it was some Work I was gonna Do to washing them!!! 

I called my Young Brother who I saw very far at a distance to come to the Garden of Sweet potatoes to take the Feeds for the Rabbits. 

This Dream was Awesome 

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A great harvest AFTER difficulties!!!


This post was modified 3 years ago by Mia Kate

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your welkome,,
