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Temporary Tent falls!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Joined: 4 years ago
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Praise Father God.

In the Night I had a dream in which I was in a place that I couldn't Recognize well. It looked like the Twon council office. While I entered the Room, I found there a bout 7women who were discussing. It's like I was with a bout 3 other people whom I didn't know. When the Discussion got done, I saw a woman who was their leader as she came back from outside because at first she was with us but I later saw her coming outside not knowing how she Left us. She told the Members that me and the other three we introduce ourselves. Before we did that, we were told to go to the Tents outside?, there Happenend to be two big metallic tents with white covers on the top covering. I observed that the stands of the tent in which we were in were not fixed well, I run to hold a pole which was gonna fall?, the whole tent fallen down. Am not sure whether it fallen on any one but me I wasn't hurt.????????????????????????????, I felt like I was in a school studying Though I had already aquired my Studies in Information Technology ?, I somehow wasn't amazed at how the tent fallen and how I couldn't introduce myself. But the tent would be fixed??
