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The Lion!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise the Name of JESUS. In the Night I had a dream and in this Dream I Happened to be walking with someone whom I couldn't recognize well but he was telling me and Showing me where the Lion normally seats in the field which we we're passing through. After I happened to be with my Sister and Brother as we were Collecting Firewood. To my Surprise, we Happenend to pass through a plantation of Trees which was burn down but trees were standing healthy. I had a rod in my hands and Water Surprised me is that the Rocks in the Trees which seemed to be down to some part of the Plantation of Trees where somehow softened?,  we could still get firewood in there that were unburnt!!! As we went forward into the Trees, it's as if my Sister was going to pick my Firewood and as if I couldn't allow her, like whoever would see the Firewood first would pick!! My Sister happened to see something like A Guitar but it was out of shape, then when I had wanted to go for it in that same burnt plantation, she said there was something not good in that guitar as if there were Human wastes in it!!!!!. Then we left that but as we continued, I realized that where we were heading in the Trees, there seemed to be fire still Burning though the Flames of fire were not Seen. I told them to go a bove in a field which was a bove that. Then as I went up in a nother field, the ones I was with where no more to be seen. I realized that the Feild seemed to be cultivated and Fenced as I tried to go forward in it. Down that same field now saw a family which had one Entrance to it. I entered in while I was carrying My Firewood. I saw Goats which were tied on ropes very many of them and as I walked where there was some way that would lead me to the afront of the house because I had entered from the behind, I found a Cow which seemed to be Tied there on the Way that was besides a house in the Corridor ?? the cow was funny that it tried to hit me with its behind leg but it could not manage me. I somehow got resistance from it but managed to pass there with my Firewood!!?, When I reached to the front part of the House, I told the owners that their Cow tried to Resist me from passing there! Then I got out of the Dream. I faced Everything with Boldness in this Dream!!!! But it wasn't an easy one.

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You entered into the property through the only way in?  

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia Yes!

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Do you know what that means?

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia Could that be A place In God's Kingdom where those on the Left Side awaits Judgment from? Then a Cow which seemed to prevent me from Passing what seemed to be A narrow way to the Front part of the Family also makes me Think in life am likely to find such resistance from maybe any Religious leader!!. Trying to Looking into that Issue

Mia Kate reacted
(@Anonymous 29)
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The Goats Really Looked Hopeless as I looked at them!

Mia Kate reacted
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Yes.  The narrow path is the one you're on.  Cows will try to block your oath.  Cows related to the golden calf of false religion.  But you entered in the only way that there was to enter.  The Way.  :).

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah ? ??????????⭐??
