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Weeding with Teachers and Students.

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise God So Much. 

In the Night I had a dream in which I happened to be with Teachers and Many other Students as we were weeding but to my Surprise it's as if we were weeding soft weeds from other strong weeds. The Strong weeds were strong for all of Us to the Extent that having finished weeding the Weak weeds in the Field of Strong weeds and Soft weeds, I heard students asking for their Results and the Teachers said that in order to give them their Results, they had to First Pay all their Tution! Then later I saw Students who had gone for a race and others were taking Short Cuts!!! But I saw a Gentleman who was Powerful and was Overtaking all the other Students!! I was a mazed at his Strength and even Teachers said that he is Good! Then later I went to the Kitchen place of the School and found there a friend of mine whom I know in the Field of Information and Technology! It's as if I was Hungry and Wanted to eat but I was supposed to eat maybe later with others but to my Surprise, the Man, Cut for me a Portion of Posho??and gave me to eat!!!!! That's how the Dream Ended!!!!!?????????????????????

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In the Night I had a dream in which I happened to be with Teachers and Many other Students as we were weeding but to my Surprise it's as if we were weeding soft weeds from other strong weeds. The Strong weeds were strong for all of Us to the Extent that having finished weeding the Weak weeds in the Field of Strong weeds and Soft weeds

I don't understand this part.  Can you draw me a picture with your words a little bit better please.  But weeds can definitely be tares, aka goats.

I heard students asking for their Results and the Teachers said that in order to give them their Results, they had to First Pay all their Tution!

Paying for ministry help.  YUCK.

Then later I saw Students who had gone for a race and others were taking Short Cuts!!!

Run the race to win.

But I saw a Gentleman who was Powerful and was Overtaking all the other Students!! I was amazed at his Strength and even Teachers said that he is Good!

Was this person winning the race?

Then later I went to the Kitchen place of the School and found there a friend of mine whom I know in the Field of Information and Technology! It's as if I was Hungry and Wanted to eat but I was supposed to eat maybe later with others but to my Surprise, the Man, Cut for me a Portion of Posho??and gave me to eat!!!!!

You were hungry and fed 🙂  God's people feed his sheep.

lots of symbols of ministry


running the race to win

students and teachers

feeding his sheep

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs About the Weeds, we seemed to be In a Field which was maybe gonna be Dug up. But we were there with Teachers and Students as the Field was full of Weeds only both Strong and Soft weeds which could be easily Uprooted. So we instead removed the Easy weeds only and others were a bit hard for us to Uproot. We were using our hands to Uprooting the Weeds and the Field was slanting down.(Sloping down) and we were weeding from top going down.


Aboutthe Strong Man whom o saw Over taking other Students in a Race, I just Saw him as many students were a head of Him but he was Overtaking them from Behind though others seemed to be Cheating in the Race. I don't know whether he won but according to what I heard Other teachers say a Bout him, he is likely was gonna win the race!

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I wonder if removing the weeds means they will be replaced with good seeds.

Seeing someone who is likely to win the race... awesome.

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs I think it was about Preparing the Field maybe for Seeds to be sowed. Of which even when seeds are sowed, the Devil also puts or may put in weeds/tares. I pray about it such That Father God makes a better way Out about it in Jesus Mighty Name ???????

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They were getting ready to plant seeds and work the field but first they were removing the weeds.  Working toward planting seeds.  Sounds like now.
