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With gents whom I grew up with!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God.

In the Night I had a dream and saw when I was in a place which looked like a University School. While I walked through, I happened to be with two gents whom I knew and they seemed to be surprised when I told them that I had studied up to the University. They told me that for them they couldn't make it up to the University. As we tried walking at the gate of the School, A motorcycle entered before we passed at the gate of which a small gate was oppened. I saw two other Mortocycles which were trying to enter with people on but they did slide backwards and the last Mortocycle which was driven by a Man and a woman on fallen down. I saw when the Man was gonna break his Foot and I run towards him and helped them by removing the Mortocycle from them. After they drove inside the School too???????, later I saw when I was with many other people whom I didn't know but would Recognize a few of them. I saw people trying to making a relationship, as I walked a long a road which was a bove the school from the gate, I could find metals and I had some in my hands as I told the people that the Metal scrapps are important?? but it's as if they couldn't understand me. There is where I saw when I had a beautiful Bowel which was made of Glass and later I got out of the Dream?????????????????????
