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Wooden door of a class!

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise Father God.

In the Night I had a dream in which I was in a school and saw some students entering a class through a wooden door but there seemed to be a gentleman pushing the door from inside not allowing any other students from entering. While I approached the door as he had opened for the few who were on the door, I pushed and we almost broke the wooden door and when I realized that I was too Powerful, I told him that let us not break the door and end up paying for it and he cooled down and I entered the class. I saw very many Students in class and the way they looked at me, it's as if I was their King or leader??, I later got out of the Dream. I was powerful?????????????????????

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(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs There was some Resistance but I Overcame it???????

(@Anonymous 29)
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@miaradhs Victory belongs to Father God who Always Causes us to Truimp??Not by Mighty Not By Power but by the Spirit of The LORD???????
