Bless the Road
If you’ve ever had a scary dream and you didn’t know what it meant, lots of times it’s a dream that God sends for us to pray about. Scary dreams are often a call to intercession. When we pray miracles happen!
I’ve been hearing from God through dreams for decades and one of the most important things that I’ve learned is that God speaks through dreams, and dreams can lead to miracles.
If you’re a person who believes that their dreams will become reality, scary dreams can be, well, scary. But I want to encourage you with two things: 1.) God uses dreams and intercession to make miracles. 2.) Sometimes, our dreams are about someone else.
If you think about it, we have way more scary dreams than we have bad things that happen to us. I’ve learned from decades of dreams that for some people, dreams are about other people and they are exactly the same as news stories that happen shortly after. I have had dozens and dozens of scary dreams that soon after matched news stories to a T. Every single detail matched, and lots of times the details were word for word. This dream is an example of a dream that shortly after became a news story and in this dream, God taught me to pray about them.
Here’s an example of when our dreams are about someone else:
Less than a month after I posted the above dream, my ex-husband, Tom, came home from work and started describing what I saw in this dream:
“Joe and I went to the store, and as we were waiting to go through customs, a white truck comes flying through at 70 miles per hour. Police try to stop him, and one guy gets his hand sliced open. Twelve police vehicles flew after this vehicle. The truck slams into the back of another vehicle at 70 mph. The force was so incredible I am sure any passengers in the vehicle died instantly.” So, Joe (my husband’s boss) runs over to a field to see if he can see what is going on!”
Suddenly, I’m thinking, I dreamed about this exact thing! So, I asked him, “Was the road newly paved?”
“What?” He asks, looking confused that I would ask this strange question in the middle of his story.
“A month ago, I had a dream exactly like this story, and in my dream, the road was newly paved.”
“Wait a minute!” He gripes, “This is my story!”
Laughing, I replied. “Was the road newly paved or not?”
“Yes,” he grumbles. “Now, can I finish my story?”
He finished the story, and I handed him a printout of this dream.
To which, he replied, “Well, we’ll see. If that guy survived, it will be a miracle.”
He went on to assure me that there was no way a car could hit another vehicle with that much force and have anyone walk away.
The man not only survived but ran away!
Understanding the Riddle
At the time that I had this dream, I believed that a prophecy of the future through a dream was written in stone. Until I received this dream, I honestly didn’t think that my prayers would make a difference. If God sent the dream, God was already aware of what was going to happen because He sent it. So logically, there was no point it telling Him, and I just posted the dreams online and waited to see how they would unfold. That is until I had this dream. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that God used this dream to show me that I was missing it. I’m embarrassed to admit that, when I had this dream, I had been documenting my dreams for a year but hadn’t prayed about very many of them. So, God sent this dream saying that I needed to get moving because I was taking too long to realize that I needed to pray about the dreams (aka “bless the road”).
God wouldn’t tell me to pray for no reason so it stands to reason that He must be planning to do something.
So, I prayed that the person who crashed would live.
Miraculous Ending

One month later, everything in the above news article matches my dream. The guy not only survived. He ran away from the crash!
The police officer who apprehended the man said this:
“Many of us dream of being at the right place at the right time,” Villescas said. “Today was one of those incidents. Fortunate for us, unfortunate for this individual.”
I was grateful because I knew it was God and God used this dream to teach me to pray about everything.
More examples of miraculous intercession:
Below, is an incredibly miraculous example of miraculous things that happen when we listen to God and pray.
When Mommas pray, miracles happen: