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Following a Lady

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise the Most High God. In the Night I had a dream as I was following a lady who seemed to be carrying a Jerrycan of water on her head. As I was walking with her, the lady seemed to have had my Belt and she was putting it on. I seemed to be asking her for my Belt. We continued and there is were we reached, there seemed to be Three roads. There was a main road and one to the left and a nother one to the Right. As we seemed to stand over there looking which way we would take, the lady told me that let us take the Right way. Then as we walked in the road which was on our Right had, actually all the Ways looked Vertically arranged as the original point was one but they seemed not to meet at all. I got out of the Dream.

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Following "the lady" is the right road 🙂
