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With my Family memb...
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With my Family members

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise the Most High God. In the Night I had a dream and happened to be with my Family as we had finishing up the Land which we were Cultivating, there Happened to be Snakes which I had never seen in my life. They way they looked was different than the normal ones. But the Reason to why I thank God is that we Managed to kill all the Snakes that we Encountered. ???????????

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What did the snakes look like?  This is an important detail.

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia they Seemed to have green Colors and with scales, the way a frog has scales. I seemed to be careful as we were hitting them.

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What frogs have scales?  Do you mean as fish have scales?

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia No, just their Skins looked like the way you look on a Toad frog( which normally can be found on the land)

(@Anonymous 29)
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(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia the Colors of the Snakes we were killing seemed to be like That and had the skin similar to such

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oh ok... green snakes... the appearance usually symbolizes the problem caused by the snakes..  I'll pray about this.

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how many snakes?

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And you said your father was also in this dream?  Anyone else?

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Would you please go back to the original dream and add the parts that are missing so that I can move this to the dream symbols folder please?

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia I saw My Father, and my Mother  and others I don't remember about them all. Sometimes a dream may seem not clear and I end up Writing what I perceived or felt in my Spirit. Forexample saying that My Family, it's because I saw my Mother and Father!

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And it was your father who killed this snake?

(@Anonymous 29)
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@sistermia it's as if they were many snakes According to What I perceived in my Spirit but we happened to Get one that I was able to see and as My Father was hitting it, I happened to also throw at it some Things like stones.

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How big was the snake?

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