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Double Blessing Confirmed

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Double Blessing Confirmed

Are you praying? Or Stressing? Most of the time, I do pretty well with optimism. If there was a group that was too optimistic, I would be a member. But there are times when I feel overwhelmed, and when I find myself in a situation outside of my ability to fix, I get a little stressed.

Many years ago, my house was hit by a hurricane. I lived on a barrier island in a mobile home. Insurance doesn’t cover older mobile homes on barrier islands for a good reason; they would lose money. After the hurricane, I returned home to find my house split down the middle, water pouring in, and huge gaping holes in floors. I was disabled, and a full-time caretaker for my grandson, who was on the autism spectrum, which meant my income was minimal, daily living consumed all of it, and savings was not an option.

When the bills and basic grocery shopping needs were taken care of, there was nothing left, so I had no idea how I would pay for the repairs, and, needless to say, I was stressed. I had no idea what I was going to do, and as I thought about the problem, I felt an enormous amount of stress stirring up inside of me. I was thinking, What am I gonna do? I can’t leave it. It will get worse. But I can’t do anything about it right this second either. Normally, if a problem comes up, I just fix the problem. But I couldn’t just up and fix this problem. It was out of my control. I needed God to make a way because, without His help, there was no way. And if God wanted me to take care of this little boy, I needed help.

Fiery Darts

Thinking about what would need to be done and trying to figure it out wasn’t helping anything except for the turmoil swirling inside of me. I realized that I needed to put up my shield of faith. I recognized that I needed to do, as Barney Fife says and, NIP IT. YOU GOTTA NIP IT. YOU GOTTA NIP IT IN THE BUD. So I stopped what I was doing (laundry, happy to stop), and I prayed and remembered that GOD promised that if I seek His kingdom first, all these needs will be provided.

BUT, I still wanted Him to comfort me. I NEEDED HIM to comfort me.

Then, I remembered that God sent supernatural comfort to a person through my last week. While I was asleep, I felt a message playing over and over in my spirit: The confirmation for Zee’s funding is a yes. A little after 6 am, I realized that the message wasn’t going to go away until I sent it to Zee., so I got up and sent the message: ‘Confirmation for the funding is a yes.’ Along with a question, ‘Is this something you’re praying about?’
He said, “Sister, the Holy Spirit had me out of bed at 4:45 am to pray about this.”

And probably at that exact moment that he got out of bed to pray is when the message started playing inside of my spirit, and by 11 am that same morning, he had his funding. . Just suddenly, out of nowhere, someone messaged Zee with the answer to his prayers. God sent Zee the answer in advance so that Zee would know it was God that did it all.
It reminded me: ASK AND RECEIVE. SEEK AND FIND. KNOCK, AND IT SHALL BE OPENED.”…You will call to Me and come to pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares The Lord. (Jeremiah 29)

Realizing that I have a GREAT GOD who has never let me down, Warrior Me said to Buttercup Me, ‘Suck it up, Buttercup. You know that God’s got a plan.’ I felt my heart say, If I know God will work it out, then there is no need to stay in a mess of emotions. So, I stopped thinking about the thoughts that were increasing my stress and simply asked God to please send me confirmation that I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing and that He has a plan.

That night I had a vision. I saw words written on my hallway wall. The words were about 12 inches high and looked like wooden decor hung on my wall in the hallway. It woke me up, but I couldn't remember what they said. So I prayed, God, if that was you, please send the message again. I fell back to sleep and had the same vision again. It said: DOUBLE BLESSING CONFIRMED.The next day, while peeling potatoes, the understanding of the meaning of the words in the hallway dropped into my heart. I knew God was saying I was in a place of transition, and I am almost through. Two days later, Kathleen Moore-Elliot, who knew nothing of my dream and interpretation, sends me a message that says, “I’ve been thinking about you for a few days. I feel there is a transitioning going on. You are in a place of transition.”Her message confirmed the interpretation of the vision that God gave me. I am in a transition place but headed toward double. God sent double confirmation of my double blessing.

God rocks!! He is the greatest comforter. When I'm stressed, there is NOTHING on Earth like a touch of comfort from Him, and He's never failed to send me a message of comfort, and oftentimes it's in advance. He’s always there and ready to answer. ?

I wrote all this to encourage and remind that we can ask God for comfort. That’s the Holy Spirit’s name: The Comforter. If you need comfort, ask. (It also helps to be hooked into a fellowship of people who can hear from God because He will send confirmation.)

Plus, it’s Biblical.

Hearing from God through Dreams

4 For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it.15 He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds.

God speaks to Man Through Dreams and Visions.

In Numbers 12:6, “If there were prophets among you, I, the Lord, would reveal myself in visions. I would speak to them in dreams.…..”

I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

God Is Waiting to Respond

“I was ready to respond, but no one asked for help. I was ready to be found, but no one was looking for me. I said, ‘Here I am, here I am!’ to a nation that did not call on my name.

Then you will call on me, and I will answer.

Update: Two years later.

When I wrote all of this, I had no extra money, no way to borrow money, and it was guaranteed another hurricane would be coming before I could fix the damage. My anxiety was overwhelming.

But God said that a double blessing was coming my way, and it did. After this post, I lost everything that I owned, and it looked like the opposite of doubly blessed. My life got worse, much worse before things got better.BUT! As promised, God gave me back double EVERYTHING! In the end, I have a beautiful completely renovated ranch on four acres in the most beautiful spot imaginable. The view is amazing. I have a more than a doubly better vehicle. I have a beautiful fifth wheel (waaaaay better than the one I had before). And every possession that I own, furniture included, is doubly better than it was before. PLUS, He doubled my income!! Literally, EVERYTHING in my life, including my relationships, is doubly blessed. Everything in my life is incredibly better, and so am I. Everything that I went through God used to help me inside and out. Nothing in my life is the same, including me. It’s so much better than I could ever have imagined, and it was all God. He literally just forced me to leave my home and sent me to a place where He had everything prepared and waiting for me. It was all just given to me without any searching or making it happen on my part. I still can’t get over how accurate the answer from God was. He doubly blessed me and then some!

God is amazing. When I was under attack, the comfort He gave me was priceless, and the double blessing is amazing. My home is beautiful, its location is absolute heaven, and every relationship in my life is DOUBLE BLESSED better than it ever was. He did it all. I did nothing to make any of it happen. When I needed it, it was there. He who promised is faithful. I literally walked through the valley of the shadow of death but on the other side was the table prepared before me in the presence of my enemies, exactly as he promised.

Featured image by: "Double Rainbow Found" by Viewminder is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
