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School Mainhall

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(@Anonymous 29)
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Praise The Most High God. In the Night, I had a dream in which I had entered the school Mainhall and it's as if we had  gone there for Prayers. I sat in some place, I realized that it was for preachers and the headteacher According to how it was arranged, therefore, some of the Friend I was with also told me that he thinks that place was arranged for the Preachers but I had already realized that and sat in a different place. While in the Mainhall, it's like we were gonna Watch Something on the Screen and Before that, I saw a male student who went and seemed to be talking closely with his Mouth to the Mouth of the Headteacher and the Funny thing is that the Student wanted Love from the Headteacher!!!!! The student kissed the Headteacher and the Headteacher got embarrassed but she couldn't do anything, it's like am the Only one who was seeing them and the one who sat near the Headteacher!. Then after, I saw myself Coming Outside and Entering the Mainhall from the Behind door. I don't know how I had gone outside but I saw myself entering the School mainhall from the Behind Door, and on entering, I saw there a great Teacher of Mine who taught me Physics and Chemistry in a Secondary School. While I greeted him, the whole school feared him but they were surprised at my Relationship with him????❤️?????????????????????, Even the Headteacher was Surprised! Then later, students were watch with all the Teachers in the Mainhall, and someone shoot something which we thought that it was a tear gas, but imediately, the one who shot it said that it is a Chemical to send a way Mosquitoes that were biting students in the school Mainhall while Watching. That was the End of the Dream. 

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Posts: 400

You were seated with the head teacher/preachers then moved.  Check.

Someone embarrassed the teacher.  Yuck.

You go out and then come back in.  That's good.  The coming back part.

You are very close to a great teacher.  Awesome.

Tear gas to kill mosquitos?  Hmm... can't wait to find out what this is.
