In order to be the most accurate dream site in the world, we have limited our dream symbol dictionary to only include dream symbols that we have seen manifest in real-life firsthand and Biblical dream symbols that have been defined in the Bible.
Dream symbols that begin with the letter “C”
Cabinets (in the Kitchen): Upper and lower digestive tract.
Call – Receiving a call from God (Judge Reign or other similar names) can mean being called by God, as in; receiving a “call”
Canal – Can represent our intestines. Can represent a period of time in our lives.
Car – See car theme.
Carnations – Wedding flower, marriages.
Cats – People or the animal. If the cat symbolizes a person, the color of the fur represents skin color of a person. See animals.
Chain – If a chain for a pet, handing someone the chain would be handing over the reins. Can represent bondage if wrapped around a person.
Check – Winning a financial battle, a legal win, miraculous provision, a literal check.
Chicken Soup – Collection of stories, literal food, provision.
Church – Actual church, group of believers – either in-person or on the internet, ministry.
Clay – From our biblical dream symbols dictionary to mean weakness or a person in the Potter’s hand
Cliff – Edge of Close to danger, difficult situation, if jumping off; making an impulsive decision.
Colored floating orbs – Spirits, evil spirits.
Color, multi-color anything – coming from Father (Like Joseph’s coat of many colors).
Cooking – a new idea, as in cooking up something, If you have something brewing on the stove or in the oven: you have something you are working on…possibly a book or a website or other new thing.
Couch or a Bed – Business contract or agreement.
Cow – Someone who follows false religion, a person one thinks unkindly of, a literal cow.
Cowboy – Jesus, down to earth.
Crack pipe – Crack pipe, addiction, stronghold, doing something harmful.
Crown – A crown stands for many things in the bible…the Lord crowns the humble with salvation, a prize, authority, your head, pride, a gift God has given, blessings, righteousness, wisdom, knowledge, grandchildren (prov 17:6), everlasting joy, beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3) splendor (Isaiah 62:3)
To crown a person is to bestow a blessing, to be exalted.
If you need expert help understanding your dreams, please ask Mia in our Dream Forum. Mia has been interpreting dreams for twenty years. She has a proven track record and has helped thousands of people understand their dreams.
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Featured Image: “Letter C” by bigbluemeanie is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Grateful for All the a bove????